Feminist Participatory Research Guide (Guide Féministe Participative), by IGSF Professor Myriam Gervais, Sandra Weber and Caroline Caron
This guide presents the key elements of feminist participatory research and explains how to conceive and achieve a research project inspired by its guiding principles. This tool is directed towards students (undergraduate and graduate) who wish to undertake feminist participatory research, but will also be of interest to everyone who seeks to engage participatory visual methodologies to include the expertise of all women and girls in feminist research. The guide was designed by IGSF Mary Eleanor Shewan intern and Gender Option grad student Sofia Misenheimer. On the heels of last year's excellent seminar on «Recherche féministe participative et justice épistémique : mission possible? Défis, enjeux éthiques et leçons apprises sur le terrain», IGSF extends its warmest congratualtions to Myriam Gervais on this achievement!