Inuit-Eskimo Society and Culture, Cultural Ecology, Wildlife Management Conflicts and Hunter-Gatherer Economies
Professor Emerita in the Department of Geography
Office: Burnside Hall, Room 623
Tel.: (514) 398-4346
Fax.: (514) 398-7437
george.wenzel [at] (E-mail)
Academic background
- PhD Geography, (1980)
- MA Anthropology, University of Manitoba (1971)
- BA Anthropology, Beloit College (1969)
Research Interests
Contemporary Canadian Inuit Culture and Society; Hunter-Gatherer Ecology; Non-Cash Economies; Wildlife Management Conflicts; Traditional Ecological Knowledge Systems
Current Projects
- Women and Modern Inuit Subsistence
- The Opportunity Costs of Wage Employment in Nunavut
- Traditional Resources and Food Security
2019a Introduction: Reflections on Inuit and Subsistence in the 21st Century. Wenzel, G.W. and D. Natcher. Hunter Gatherer Research 3(4):559-566.
2019b Canadian Inuit Subsistence: Antimonies of the Mixed Economy. Hunter and Gatherer Research 3(4): 567-581.
2019c Men Hunt, Women Share: Gender and Contemporary Inuit Subsistence Relations. Quintal-Marineau, M. and G.W. Wenzel. In Towards a Broader View of Hunter-Gatherer Sharing. Noa Lavi and David Friesem, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.211-220
2018 Hunting (Merkel, R., A. Franke, F. Ungarte, S. Statham, S. Ferguson, G. Wenzel,C. Hotson, G. Gauthier, D. Lee and D. Berteaux). In Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay-Davis Strait Region. Pp.177-194. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP). Oslo, Norway.
2017a Inuit and Narwhal (Wenzel, G.W. and D.S. Lee). In Narwhal: Revealing An Arctic Legend. Ed. by W. Fitzhugh and M. Nweeia. Arctic Studies Center, Hanover, New Hampshire: Smithsonian Institution and IPI Press. Pp.105-122.
2017b Food Politics: Finding a Place for Country Food in Canada’s Northern Food Policy (Stephenson, E. and G.W. Wenzel). Northern Policy Review 5(1):49-51.
2016a Inuit Culture: To Have and Have Not, or Has Subsistence Become an Anachronism?” In Why Forage?: Hunter-Gatherers in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. by B. Codding and K. Kramer. Alburquerque, N.M.: SAR and University of New Mexico Press. Pp. 43-60.
2016b Cross-Cultural Demographic and Social Variables for Contemporary Foraging Populations (Kramer, K., N. Blurton-Jones, R. Bliege-Bird…G.W. Wenzel. In Why Forage?: Hunter-Gatherers in the 21st Century. Ed. by
K. Kramer and B. Codding. Alburquerque, N.M.: SAR and University of New Mexico Press.
2016c Wild Resources, Harvest Data and Food Security in Nunavut’s Qikiqtaaluk Region. (Wenzel, G.W., J. Dolan and C. Brown) Arctic 69(2):147-159, plus Table S1 (on-line).
2013 Inuit and Modern Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence. Éٳܻ/Գܾ/ٳܻ徱 37(2):181-200.
2012 Inuit Subsistence, Social Economy and Food Security in Clyde River, Nunavut (M. Harder and G.W. Wenzel). Arctic 65(3):305-318.
2011 Polar Bear Management, Sport Hunting and Inuit Subsistence at Clyde River, Nunavut. Journal of Marine Policy 35(4):457-465.
Unpublished Reports
2002a Report: “Outfitted Polar Bear Hunting in the Qikiqtaaluk and Kitikmeot Regions of Nunavut: Implications for Local Economic Development and Species Conservation”. Department of Sustainable Development, Government of Nunavut. 106pp.
2001-2004: Principal Investigator. “Inuit, Money and Traditional Resources in Nunavut: Modelling the Contemporary Economy.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
2000-2001: Principal Investigator. "Polar Bear Management in the Qikiqtaalik Region of Nunavut: Inuit, Outfitted Hunting, and Conservation.” Government of Nunavut and Safari Club International.
1999: Principal Investigator. "The Structure of Inuit Sharing". Department of Sustainable Development, Government of Nunavut