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Awards aplenty for the GCRC

We all know that cancer research, like so many fields, has been impacted by the COVID19 pandemic and therefore keeping our head above water is all the more important this year. Thankfully, the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre has had great success in receiving grants lately and this is something to celebrate.

Here are the names of all the recent winners:

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant

Dr. Peter Siegel (for two projects)

Fond de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRQS) Career awards

Dr. Jonathan Spicer

Dr. George Zogopoulos

Dr. Luke McCaffrey


CIHR Scholarships

Lili Abuloghod, MSc student, Teodoro Lab: Master’s CIHR

Sandrine Busque, MSc student, Gallouzi Lab: Master’s CIHR

Adda-Lee Graham-Paquin, PhD student, Bouchard Lab: Doctoral CIHR


FRQS scholarships

Philippe Carle, MSc, Gallouzi Lab

Élise Di Lena, Resident physician training, McCaffrey Lab

Matthew Ford, PDF, Yamanaka Lab

Marina Fukano, PhD, Park Lab

Kayla Heney, PhD, Watson Lab

Alexandre Poirier, PhD, Tremblay Lab

Joan Miguel Romero, MD/PhD, Zogopoulos Lab

Yunyun (Anna) Shen, MSc, Siegel Lab

Mark Sorin, MD-PhD, Walsh Lab

Mara Whitford, PhD, McCaffrey Lab


Cancer Research Society

Elena Kuzmin, Post-doctoral Fellow, Park Lab: Scholarship for the Next Generation of Scientists


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

Maxime Bellefeuille, MSc student, Duchaine Lab: Master’s NSERC


Congratulations to all the winners!

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