

Burst pipe in Stewart Biology Building

Published: 7 February 2023

Extreme temperatures over the weekend have caused pipes to burst in the Stewart Biology Building.

It will take at least two more days to complete the clean-up and thoroughly assess the extent of the damage. Therefore, the building (North and South blocks) will remain closed until at least Thursday morning.

  • Classes: All classes scheduled in the building before Thursday should be held online where feasible. Classes that cannot be held online will unfortunately be cancelled.
  • Faculty/Staff: Academic, administrative and support staff working in the Stewart Biology Building should work from home, unless their supervisor requests their presence and can arrange an alternative in-person location. Staff who cannot perform their duties remotely will nonetheless be paid.
  • Animal Care: Tomorrow, we will communicate an access protocol for people who must enter the building to tend to animals.

Further updates will follow as soon as more information becomes available.

Pierre Barbarie, 
Senior Director, Campus Public Safety, on behalf of the Emergency Operations Centre

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