Expanding the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Program

Friday, November 12, 2021 10:00to11:00

Dr. Veronica B. Prush Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Expanding the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Program/epsCategory: Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS)

Seminar- Magma Oceans and the Early Evolution of Rocky Planets

Friday, October 29, 2021 11:00to12:00

Please join us this Friday at 11AM in FDA 232, the Gill Room or on Zoom for an EPS Seminar by Dr. Charles-Édouard (ChEd) Boukaré, from l’Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP)....

Virtual Seminar-The Structure of Oceanic Plates using Machine Learning on Seafloor Vibrations

Friday, October 22, 2021 11:00to12:00

Join EPS virtually for a seminar. /epsCategory: Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS)

Virtual Seminar-Driving Curiosity: Exploring Martian geology and habitability through mineralogy

Friday, October 1, 2021 11:00to12:00

Join Earth and Planetary Sciences virtually for our Friday seminar featuring the MSA distinguished lecturer Shaunna M. Morrison/epsCategory: Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS)

Undergraduate Geoscience Summer Student position: deadline, May 9.

Published: 6 May 2021

Tundra Oil & Gas Limited is seeking a Geoscience Summer Student for a four-month position – May 20, 2021 to September 3, 2021. This will be a remote position reporting to their Calgary, AB...

Family Science Day: Virtual Field Trips Metro@Monteregie

Saturday, May 8, 2021 13:00to14:00

For a behind the scenes glimpse with the creation team register in advance, come with your questions and learn more about the making of virtual field trips. /epsCategory: Bicentennial...

New technique for measuring greenhouse gas production from thawing permafrost

Published: 26 March 2020

A research team led by geochemist Peter Douglas has used a new method for measuring the rate at which methane is produced by microbes breaking down thawing permafrost. “There is a...

Meet Your Major

Friday, March 12, 2021 18:00to20:00

Prospecting for geothermal or mineral resources, assessing hazard risks from volcanoes or earthquakes, tracking groundwater flow and permafrost change, predicting the variable impact of ice cap...

A more sustainable way to make DNA-based medications

Published: 24 August 2020

Scientists at have developed a solvent-free method for making oligonucleotides, short strands of DNA of growing significance in research and the pharmaceutical industry.


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