COVID-19 Support Groups and Resources List
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COVID-19 Support Groups and Resources List
Get the help and support you need no matter where you are!
Check out our updated list of available virtual support groups and resources for the Montreal and Quebec regions. From Cultural Communities to Social Movements to Volunteering Opportunities, get the information you need to remain safe and connected.
Media Highlight: Shaheen Shariff Denounces Online Hate Speech Against Mohawks
Mohawks face online threats, hate as protest continues reports the Montreal Gazette. As an expert on cyberbullying and online hate, the Faculty of Education's Shaheen Shariff was asked to comment.
Media Spotlight: Education Student Sihem Youbi
Overcoming Prejudice and Preconceptions: Education student, Sihem Youbi, spoke to the Reporterabout the challenges faced by students coming from disadvantaged situations.
Media Spotlight: Education Students Featured on CTV
With the talk of teacher shortages in Quebec, CTV conducted a story "Is Quebec’s teacher shortage being caused by new laws, poor working conditions?" Some of the Faculty's students were featured in this story, and impacts future educators from all of our departments:/x/ZVM
Aziz Choudry: GDSE 2020 Keynote Speaker
GSDE Symposium 2020 "Education in an Age of Resistance" will feature Education's Dr. Aziz Choudry as one of its keynote speakers.Dr. Choudry will be opening theconferenceby talking about the struggles across the world in fighting for accessible public higher education, going beyond servingthe interests of elites. His talk is entitled "Lessons in Resistance;Studies in Struggle".
Media Spotlight: Reporter Features DISE's certificat d’études supérieures en pédagogie de l’immersion française
In the face ofshortages of specialized French immersion teachers, Education's Department of Integrated Studies in Education offers a graduate certificate in French Immersion pedagogy.Anne-Marie Tremblay of the Reporter investigated further about the benefits of this program and the opportunities it presents to its students. Read more here.
ECS 2020 Features Two Education Speakers
Early Childhood Symposium 2020 (February 11 & 12, 2020) will feature two Education speakers:Dr. Sheryl Smith-Gilman will give the Opening Plenary as Keynote Speaker and Dr. Tina Montreuil will lead the workshop "Healthy Minds, Healthy Schools & Resilience Building in Children: Preliminary Outcomes". The symposium will be held at Palace Centre de Congrès (1717 Boul le Corbusier,Laval, Québec, H7S 2K7).
Alumni Highlight: Emmanuella Lambropoulos, Federal MP for Saint Laurent
Emmanuella Lambropoulos, newly re-elected Federal MP for the Saint-Laurent riding is one of 98 women elected to the House of Commons this past fall and one of the youngest of these female Members of Parliament. A Education alumna (B.Ed. '13),Lambropoulos is complementing her political career by completing her Master's in Educational Leadership within the Faculty's Department of Integrated Studies in Education.
Celebrate International Day of Education
's Faculty of Education reminds all students, staff, alumni, and friends that education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed January 24 as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.
Editorial Spotlight: Blane Harvey, Lisa Starr, and Joseph Levitan
Featured in the Montreal Gazette is an op ed piece written by Drs. Blane Harvey, Lisa Starr, and Joseph Levitan about the disconnect between society's concern about environmental issues and what's actually taught in Quebec schools:
Media Spotlight: Dr. Sabrina Jafralie Comments of Proposed ERC Reform
Course Lecturer for 's Department of Integrated Studies,Dr. Sabrina Jafralie, gave her take on the proposed educational reform that would remove the religious culture component from the provincialschool curriculum, in favour of other ethics course content exploring 21st Century themes.Dr.
Awards Highlight: Dr. Angelica Galante Wins Pat Clifford Award
Department of Integrated Studies in Education'sDr. Angelica Galanteis a co-winner of thePat Clifford Award, recognizing Canada's emerging education researchers.
DISE PhD Student Alisan Funk Represents at Monash Research Seminar
Department of Integrated Studies in Education Doctoral Student, Alisan Funk, travelled to Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) as Education's participant in the 2019 Global Alliance in Education Research seminar. Alisan is pursuing her thesis in the area of circus education:/x/Zbu (Video is courtesy of Monash University, 's partner in the Global Alliance in Education Research.)
New Quebec Excellence Scholarships Being Awarded to B.Ed. Students
Montreal, December 12, 2019 — The Quebec Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, has officially announced today the launch of the Bourses d’excellence aux futurs enseignants program, offering $15.8 million dollars in scholarship money to Education students enrolled in a full-time Bachelor of Education program leading to teacher certification. Of the available funds distributed to institutions across the province, Prof.