To commemorate the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous allies will unite to reflect on the theme of hope and healing./educationCategory: Education...
Join us in recognizing and celebrating all the amazing efforts and innovative activities that have supported our own wellness and the well-being of those around us!/educationCategory: Faculty of...
The Department Educational and Counselling Psychology/educationCategory: Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Oral defence
The Faculty of Education Community is invited to attend the Programs 4th International Congress on Whole Person Care. This year, the conference theme is:/educationCategory: Faculty of...
The Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology/educationCategory: Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Oral defence
Activist- and Community-based Artwork, Artists, and Practices
/educationCategory: Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
To recognize and mark ’s important milestone and contributions to Quebec society and to the Lower St-Lawrence and Gaspésie regions, Reford Gardens will be holding a two-part...