Please note that all course lecturers are required to send an electronic version of their course outline to ECP at ecp [at], in order for a review of the content to be done bya Program Director andthe Chair. Instructors mustsubmit their outline via email no later than one month prior to the start of classes of any given term in order to ensure adequate time for both a review and potential amendments.
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Guide to Creating Your Course Outline
The course outline serves as a contractbetween theinstructor and their students. Considering this, there are many important components that an instructor must include as well as those they should consider including in their outline.
ECP advises all instructors to carefully review's Teaching and Learning Service's (TLS) websiteand to consult the many online resources available to prepare for teaching a course in the Department and at . The TLS Course Outline: Brief Guideis a useful overview to building a course outline.The Departmentdoes howeverhave particular statements that all course lecturers are required to include in their course outlines (provided below). For a complete list please visit the Teaching and Learning Services website.
- values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see /integrityfor more information).
If you have a disability please contact the instructor to arrange a time to discuss your situation. It would be helpful if you contact the Office for Students with Disabilities at 398-6009 or online at /osd) before you do this.”
Additional policies governing academic issues which affect students can be found in the Handbook on Student Rights and Responsibilities, Charter of Students’ Rights (online at /deanofstudents/rights/).
In accord with ’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.
Students are strongly encouraged to fill out the MERCURY ONLINE EVALUATION for this course at the end of term. Online course evaluations serve primarily as a tool towards teaching improvement, informing students about courses, and as one of the elements for evaluating the teaching performance of staff for reappointment, tenure and promotion purposes. For more information consult the Teaching and Learning Services website.
Instructors teaching courses in both the School/Applied Child Psychology and Counselling Psychology Programs must also includeto Required Competency Statements (provided below).
Required Statements for B.Ed. Course Outlines
Instructors of B.Ed. courses are now required to include statements addressing the CAPFE Professional Competencies and indicate how they are assessed in the course. The following is a list of the courses that require these statements: EDPE 300, EDPE 304, EDPI 309, EDPI 341, EDPE 208, EDPT 200, EDPT 204.
Course outlines must:
- Indicate the selected professional competencies (and their appropriate features) that are being developed in the course
- Explain how these professional competencies (and their appropriate features) will be developed during the course (content, approach, methodology etc.)
- Make clear how evidence of development of the selected competencies will be gathered (learning outcomes/assignments, assessment tools etc.)
Click here to view the 12 Professional Competences, extracted from a MELS teacher training document. For the complete teacher training document please click here.
Below are two examples of course outlines which include theCAPFE Professional Competencies required statements. These are provided, in the hopes, to help in the process while revising course outlines.
Required Statements for Counselling Psychology Course Outlines
Instructors of any Counselling Psychology program courses are required to add a specific statement to those course outlines. The statement addresses the competencies and training required of Counselling Psychology courses.
Please see the Competency Statement for Counselling Psychology Course Outlines [.pdf] for more information and the statement to be included in all outlines.
Please see below for a categorical and hourly breakdown of competencies to be met for all Counselling Psychology program courses and a breakdown of the competencies for autonomous research activities.
Courses Competencies Summary Table [.pdf]
Autonomous Research Competencies Summary Table [.pdf]
Required Statements for School/Applied Child Psychology Course Outlines
Instructors of anySchool/Applied ChildPsychology program courses are required to use the School/Applied Child Psychology Course Outline Timeplate [.docx] and to add a specific statement to those course outlines. The statement addresses the competencies and training required ofSchool Psychology students. For more information please see the Competency Statement for School/Applied Child Psychology Course Outlines [.pdf].
Please refer to theSchool/Applied Child Psychology Competencies Breakdown [.pdf] for a categorical and hourly breakdown of competencies to be met for all School/Applied Child Psychology program courses.
Information & Recommended Statement for Course outlines for M.Ed. courses
When creating your outline please take note that the students registered have varied backgrounds.
It is important for you to be aware of the composition of your class. Specifically, M.Ed. students include both Inclusive Education concentration students (who are largely trained as teachers working in the school system/classroom), however approximately 50% of our M.Ed. students are in the General Educational Psychology concentration and are for the most part not teachers, and often have a background in Psychology or other related domain, and may not be working in schools or classrooms.
Therefore, content, examples and assignments should extend beyond a sole focus on teachers/classrooms to make all students feel the material is relevant.
The MEd Program Committee recommends that you include the following statement about diversity on MEd course outlines: The Master of Education (MEd) Program faculty and course lecturers are committed to fostering a learning environment based upon mutual respect and inclusive access. As such, we will work together to create a community that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment related to Indigenous Peoples, race/ethnicity, age, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and/or other identities.