
Heating Core Composting Vessel

Considering the present push towards greener industrial and residential activities, composting is once again a hot topic amongst Ecological Engineers. Since a uniform composting system is necessary to ensure the removal of pathogens and to keep the whole system at the same composting stage at a given time, it is essential to maintain a homogeneous temperature throughout the media. Therefore, in the quest to accomplish the latter, a design consisting of a heater core, copper tubing and heat recycling, was designed and tested. Through two four-inch holes made both at the top and bottom of the barrel, air was able flow through the system, allowing for aerobic decomposition. Once composting gets underway and temperature rises, water flows through the copper piping, distributing the core heat throughout the medium and permitting uniformity. The results were obtained by inserting three thermocouples at different heights on a 200 liter plastic barrel fitted with the aforementioned apparatus, and comparing this barrel to another, without the device, run exactly at the same time. They demonstrated that our system accomplishes the objective of uniform heat distribution. In conclusion, temperature variations were significantly lower when run with the heat redistribution system, permitting uniform composting, quickening the process and reducing the risks of pathogens or other contaminants remaining active in the barrels.

3D Model of heating core composter by Eyad Jamaleddine.

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