BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250306T075228EST-56608O95FP@ DTSTAMP:20250306T125228Z DESCRIPTION:The º«¹úÂãÎè family muses on the future of the university\n\nA ce lebration of the principalship of Suzanne Fortier\n\nYou are cordially inv ited to the first Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MD IIM) symposium of the year. Two generations from two fields in two roles w ill discuss their shared perspective of the university in the 21st-century : Principal Emerita Suzanne Fortier engages in reflective conversation wit h Professor Henry Mintzberg and Susan Mintzberg\, doctoral student in Soci al Work. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Saku Mantere. This timely symposium presents a synthesis of looking upon and reaching out\, w ith regard to researching\, disseminating\, educating\, and administrating . Open to on-stage reflection and a Q&A with attendees\, the symposium is a venue for critical thinking about how to move collaboratively into the f uture. This event will take place in English and be livestreamed. A cockta il reception will follow.\n\n\nDate: Thursday\, September 1\, 2022\, 5:30 – 6:45pm\n Doors open at 5:00 pm\n Location: º«¹úÂãÎè Faculty Club\, 3450 McTa vish St\, Montreal\, Qc H3A 1X9\n\n\n Register\n\n\n\n Livestream\n\n\nAdd t o calendar\n\n  \n\n\n\nLa famille de º«¹úÂãÎè réfléchit à l’avenir de l’univ ersité\n\nCélébration du mandat de Suzanne Fortier à la tête de l’Universi té º«¹úÂãÎè\n\nLa principale sortante Suzanne Fortier engagera une conversat ion constructive avec le professeur Henry Mintzberg et Susan Mintzberg\, d octorante en travail social au sujet de leur perspective commune de l’univ ersité du 21e siècle. Le professeur Saku Mantere animera la discussion qui portera sur la recherche\, la diffusion\, la formation et l’administratio n. Ouvert à la réflexion sur scène et à une séance de questions-réponses a vec les participants\, le symposium permettra une approche critique de la collaboration pour l’avenir. Cet événement se déroulera en anglais et sera retransmis en direct. Un cocktail dînatoire suivra l'événement.\n\nDate: Jeudi 1er septembre 2022\, 17 h 30 – 18 h 45 (Les portes ouvriront à 17 h) \n Où: Cercle Universitaire de º«¹úÂãÎè\, 3450\, rue McTavish\, Montréal (Qué bec) H3A 1X9\n\n\n Inscrivez-vous ici\n\n\n\n Diffusion en direct\n\n\nAjout er au calendrier\n\n\n\n Integrated Management Symposium Series\n\n This eve nt is part of the Integrated Management Symposium Series\, which invites m embers of the º«¹úÂãÎè and Montreal community to explore management through intimate conversations between prominent º«¹úÂãÎè academics and world leader s in their fields. The series encourages participants to broaden their per spective in order to address the significant ecological\, social\, and eco nomic challenges facing today's societies. These free symposia are generou sly supported by benefactor Marcel Desautels\, C.M.\, LLD’07.\n\n DTSTART:20220901T213000Z DTEND:20220901T224500Z SUMMARY:MDIIM Integrated Management Symposium: The º«¹úÂãÎè family muses on t he future of the university URL:/desautels/channels/event/mdiim-integrated-managem ent-symposium-mcgill-family-muses-future-university-340449 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR