BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T175133EDT-3221goiUnw@ DTSTAMP:20250312T215133Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for an online information session to learn about the ne w Master of Management in Retailing program at º«¹úÂãÎè.\n\nDate: Thursday\, February 23\, 2023\n\nTime: 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST\n\nRegister No w\n\n \n\n\nAbout the MMR Program\n\nThe º«¹úÂãÎè-Bensadoun School Master of Management in Retailing (MMR) degree is a 16-month specialized program (1 2 months for those with extensive retail experience) to prepare future lea ders in the ever-evolving field of retail with a strong emphasis on experi ential learning.\n\nFor more information\, visit\n DTSTART:20230223T170000Z DTEND:20230223T180000Z SUMMARY:MMR Online Information Session: Thursday\, February 23\, 2023 URL:/desautels/channels/event/mmr-online-information-s ession-thursday-february-23-2023-339939 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR