Liette Lapointe

Professor, Information Systems | Director of the Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE)
Liette Lapointe
Contact Information
Email address: 
liette.lapointe [at]
Alternate email address: 
lijuan.xue2 [at]

Bronfman Building [Map]
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Information Systems, École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montreal, Canada
MSc,  Healthcare Management, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada
BA, Translation, Université de Montréal, Canada

Information Systems

Professor Lapointe’s research integrates information systems management and behavioral issues as well as issues related to the adoption of information systems in healthcare settings. Her work has led to more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed publications, close to 75 presentations in national and refereed conferences and more than 30 invited presentations locally and internationally.

In IS, she has first worked on resistance to information technology; this stream of research has led to several articles in top-tier scholarly international journals and professional refereed journals. One of these papers received the MIS Quarterly Paper of the Year Award in 2005. She is currently working on follow-up projects that include a wide spectrum of user reactions, including enhanced use, ambivalence, collective use and IT addiction. She is also working on projects that deal IT innovation, IT championship, and IT literacy. In the domains of health informatics and healthcare management, she has focused on the implementation and impacts of IT in healthcare settings. She is also working on projects on the use of IT in geriatrics, particularly on the issues related to Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, on chronic care diseases and on knowledge co-creation.

She has developed collaborations with highly recognized researchers at the local, national and international levels. Her interdisciplinary research has included graduated student training and is supported by grants from diverse councils such as the FQRSC, CIHR and SSHRC. She extends her research to impact practice and brings her expertise to the service of the healthcare system through public policy research and hospital board membership.

Curriculum vitae: 
Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Health Management
Healthcare Collaboration
IT in Healthcare
Leadership & Governance
Risk Management
Social Innovation
Sustainable Development
Technology & Innovation
Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Negoita, B., Lapointe, L., Rivard, S. Conceptualizing Collective Information Systems Use: An Interdependence Perspective, MISQ, forthcoming.

Akhlaghpour, S., Lapointe, L., "From Placebo to Panacea: Studying the Diffusion of IT Management Techniques with Ambiguous Efficiencies – The Case of Capability Maturity Model (CMM)" JAIS , forthcoming

Vaast, E., Safadi, H, Lapointe, L., and B. Negoita (2017), Social media affordances for connective action - An examination of microblogging use during the gulf of Mexico oil spill, MIS Quarterly 41.4.

Vaghefi, I; Lapointe, L ., Boudreau-Pinsonneault, C (2017) A typology of user liability to IT addiction, Information Systems Journal. 27, 125–169

Bagayogo, F.F., Lepage, A., Denis, J.L., Lamothe, L., Lapointe, L., Vedel, I. (2016). Factors influencing cancer specialists' decision to collaborate with geriatricians in treating older cancer patients. Age and ageing. 45 (5): 723-726.

Rubinowicz A, Vedel I, Sanche S, Lortie M, Law S, Hughes J, Lapointe L. (2016) "A Portrait of EMR Used in Primary Care Across Canada" Commentary. Health Reform Observer;4(2):1-7

Vaghefi, I., Lortie, M., Hughes, J.B., Law, S.K. and Lapointe L., “Understanding the Impact of Electronic Medical Record Use on Practice-Based Population Health Management: A Mixed-Method Study”, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR Medical Informatics)

Bagayogo F, Lepage A, Denis JL, Lamothe L, Lapointe L, Vedel I. (2016) Grassroots inter-professional networks: The case of organizing care for older cancer patients. Journal of Health Organization and Management; 30(6):971-984.

Meissonier, R., Lapointe, L., & Houzé, E. (2015). Légitimer l’implémentation d’un ERP: une comparaison Canada–Thailande. Journal of Decision Systems, 24(3), 318-338.

Meissonier, R., Houzé, E., & Lapointe, L. (2014). " Cultural Intelligence" During ERP Implementation: Insights from a Thai Corporation. International Business Research, 7(12), 14.

Vedel I, Ghadi V, Lapointe L, Routelous C, Aegerter P, Guirimand F. (2014) Patients', Family Caregivers’ and Professionals' Perspectives on Quality of Palliative Care. In press, Palliative Medicine. Oct;28(9):1128-38
*** 'Editor's choice' for the October 2014 issue of Palliative Medicine***

Routelous C, Lapointe L, Vedel I. Le rôle des passeurs de frontières dans la mise en place de collaboration pluridisciplinaire en médecine. The role of boundary spanners in the implementation of interdisciplinary collaboration in medicine. Journal de gestion et d'économie médicales 2014;7(32):481-499

Lapointe L, Ramaprasad J, Vedel I. (2014) Creating Health Awareness: A Social Media Enabled Collaboration. Health and Technology. May 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp 43-57.

Bagayogo, F., Lapointe, L., Bassellier, G. (2014) A New Perspective on IT Adoption: A Qualitative Study of Enhanced Use, JAIS, 15(7): 361-387.

Mignerat M, Lapointe L, Vedel I. (2014) Using Telecare for Diabetic Patients: A Mixed Systematic Review, Health Policy and Technology, 3(2): 90-112.

Akhlaghpour, S., Wu, J., Lapointe, L., Pinsonneault, A., The Ongoing Quest for the IT Artifact: Looking Back, Moving Forward. Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Special Issue on Information Systems: Why History Matters, forthcoming: June 2013.

Vedel I, M. De Stampa, C. Routelous, H. Bergman, L. Lapointe. Diffusion of Collaborative Care Models in Primary Care, BMC Family Practice, forthcoming.

Rivard, S. and Lapointe, L. Information Technology Implementers’ Responses to User Resistance: Nature and Effects, MIS Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3, pp 897-920, September 2012.

Vedel I, Lapointe L, Lussier MT, Richard C, Goudreau J, Lalonde L, Turcotte A. Professionals' Adoption and Use of a Clinical Information System in Primary Care: Insights from the Da Vinci Study. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2012(81):73-87

Routelous C, Vedel I, Lapointe L. Pourquoi des stratégies coopératives avec les cliniques pour les hôpitaux publics ? Management & Avenir. 2011;47 :147-164

Ghadi V, Vedel I, Routelous C, de Stampa M, Ankri J, Cassou B, Lapointe L. A gerontological network as an interface between healthcare professionals and homecare professionals. Գٱʳܱܲ. 2011;23(4):317-28.

Rivard, S., Lapointe L. and A. Kappos, An Organizational Culture-based Theory of Clinical Information Systems Implementation in Hospitals, JAIS, 2 (2), February 2011.

Lapointe, L., Mignerat, M. and I. Vedel “The IT Productivity Paradox in Health: A Stakeholder's Perspective, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80(2): 102-115, February 2011. **Best paper of 2011**

De Stampa M, Vedel I, Mauriat C, Bagaragaza E, Routelous C, Bergman H, Lapointe L, Cassou B, Ankri J, Henrard J-C. Diagnostic study, design and implementation of an integrated model of care in France: a bottom-up process with continuous leadership. International Journal of Integrated Care 2010; 10:e034

Lussier MT, Turcotte A, Richard C, Lapointe L, Vedel I, Goudreau J, Lalonde L. An Evaluation of a Patient-Centered Information Technology Tool for the Management of Chronic Diseases by Primary Care Interdisciplinary Teams. Electronic Health 2010; 8(4): 20-25.

Vedel I, De Stampa M, Bergman H, Ankri J, Cassou B, Mauriat C, Blanchard F, Bagaragaza E, Lapointe L. A Novel Model of Integrated Care for the Elderly. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research; Vol. 21, No. 6, 414-423. 2009.

De Stampa M, Vedel I, Henrard JC, Bergman H, Novella JL, Lapointe L. Fostering Participation of General Practitioners in Integrated Health Services Networks: Incentives, Barriers, and Guidelines. BMC Health Service Research 2009, 9:48.

De Stampa M, Vedel I. Henrard JC, Bergman H, Novella JL, Bagaragaza E, Lapointe L. Case management et case manager: apport dans la prise en charge des personnes âgées. Revue de Gériatrie 2009;34:305-311

Vedel I, De Stampa M, Bergman H, Ankri J, Cassou B, Blanchard F, Lapointe L. Health care professionals and managers’ participation in developing an intervention: A pre-intervention study in the elderly care context. Implementation Science 2009, 4:21

De Stampa M, Vedel I, Bergman H, Ankri J, Cassou B, Mauriat C, Bagaragaza E, Routelous C, Novella J L, Lapointe L. Un réseau de santé avec intégration des services et gestionnaires de cas adapté au contexte français: le modèle COPA-Ancrage pour les personnes âgées fragiles. Gérontologie et Société 2008; 124: 85-94.

De Stampa, M.,Vedel, I, Bergman, H., Lechowski, G., Novella, J-L. and L. Lapointe « Participation des médecins généralistes dans des réseaux de santé avec intégration des services: enseignements d’expériences en Amérique du Nord pour le système de santé français ». Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2007; 55:401-412

Lapointe, L. and S. Rivard, “A Triple Take on Information Technology Implementation”, Organization Science, Jan-Feb 2007 Vol. 18, no 1, pp. 89-107 Lapointe, L. and S. Rivard, “Learning from Physicians’ Resistance to CIS Implementation.”, CMAJ, Vol. 174, no 11, 1573-1584.

Lapointe, L. and S. Rivard, “When Good Systems Go Bad: Understanding and Preventing their Premature Demise”, Healthcare Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 8, no 2, pp. 92-100.

Lapointe, L. and S. Rivard, “A Multilevel Model of Resistance to Information Technology Implementation”, MIS Quarterly, September 2005, Vol. 29, no 3, pp. 461-491. **Best Paper Award**

Wahl, C., Gregroire, JP., Koon T, Beaulieu,M., Labelle, S., Leduc, B., Cochrane, B. Lapointe, L. and Montague, T., “Concordance, Compliance and Adherence in Health Care: Closing Gaps and Improving Outcomes“, Healthcare Quarterly, 2005, Vol. 8, no 1, pp 65-70.

Fortin, JP, L. Lamothe, L. Lapointe “La mise en place d'un réseau informatisé en oncologie: la technologie au service d'un réseau intégré de services“, Revue Ruptures, 2002, Vol. 9, no 1, p. 86- 102.

Hoppen, N., Lapointe, L and Moreau, E., “Um guia para avaliação de artigos de pesquisa em Sistemas de Informação“ (Guidelines for the Evaluation of Scientific Articles on Information Systems), Revista Eletrônica da Administração (UFRGS), Vol 2, no 2, November 1996.


Lapointe, L. et al., “The dynamics of IT adoption in a major change process in healthcare delivery”, E-Health Systems Diffusion and Use: The Innovation, the User and the USE IT model, Editors: Roel W Schuring & Ton AM Spil, Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp. 107-127.

Chapters in Books

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


2013: Best Paper Nomination, HICSS

2012: IAIA Best Paper of 2011

2010: Best Paper Award, ASAC

2010: Best Paper Nomination, HICSS

2008: Honorable Mention Award, ASAC

2006: Honorable Mention Award, ASAC

2005: MISQ Best Paper Award, MIS Quarterly

1998: Technology Value Chain Research Award, Cornell University

1993-1994: Ph.D. Fellowship Research Award, Alma-Lepage

1991-1994: Ph.D. Fellowship Research Award, FCAR

1991-1992: Ph.D. Fellowship Research Award, Henry Laureys



2011-2012: CIHR, Les transitions entre l'hôpital et les services de proximité des patients atteints de maladies chroniques : quelles sont les interventions efficaces et leurs conditions de succès?, Vedel, I., Pluye, P., L. Lapointe et al.

2011-2015: FQRSC, Gérer quatre défis d'implantation pour maximiser la valeur des technologies de l'information : une approche par les ressources excédentaires, Pinsonneault, Lapointe, Bassellier, Barki, Beaudry, Oh

2010-2013: SSHRC, Managing User Resistance to IT Implementation, Lapointe, Rivard

2010-2011: CIHR, Meetings, planning and Dissemination Grant: Partnership for Health System Improvement. Gestion optimale des maladies chroniques chez les personnes âgées: hôpital et services de proximité., Béland, Monette, Lapointe, Vedel

2009-20102: SSHRC, Moving Beyond Acceptance and Resistance, Beaudry, Lapointe, Pinsonneault, Rivard

2008-2010: GRGT, Da Vinci Project, Lussier, MT., Turcotte, A. Lapointe, L.

2007-2012: CIHR, CIHR Team on Frailty and Aging, Beland, F., Tourigny, A. et al.

2006-2010: SSHRC, New Perspectives on Resistance to Information Technology, Lapointe, L and S. Rivard

2005-2009: FQRSC, Maximiser la valeur d’affaire des technologies de l’information: un programme de recherche intégré, Subvention de soutien aux équipes de recherche, Alain Pinsonneault, G. Bassellier, L. Lapointe, W. Oh, M. Mortensen, H. Barki, A. Beaudry

2004-2007: CIHR, Implementing a clinical information system in multi-hospital university centres, Pozzebon, M., C. Rodrigues and N. Philips, Collaborator: L. Lapointe

2003-2005: CIHR, The Challenge of Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Frail Older Persons in the Canadian Healthcare System, De Stampa, M., L. Lapointe and H. Bergman

2002-2005: SSHRC, La Résistance à l'implanatation des technologies de l'information, Lapointe, L and S. Rivard

2000-2001: FASS – Santé Canada, Gestion du processus d’introduction d’une nouvelle technologie – Projet DRIOQ, Lapointe, L and L. Lamothe

1999-2000: Faculty of Management Research Grant, Implementation of IT in Business, Lapointe, L.

1998-2000: Cornell University, The Technology Value Chain and the Hospitality Industry, Lapointe, L.

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