
Professor Henry Mintzberg Awarded Honorary Doctorate

Professor Henry Mintzberg was conferred the honorary degree of "Doctor Oeconomiae Honoris Causa" from the University of Economics, Prague on November 11, 2016. The award recognizes Professor Mintzberg’s influence as a leading thinker in the field of Management, as well as the far-reaching impact of his work.

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Published: 29 Nov 2016

Trump : à défaut de pouvoir voter, nous pouvons agir

Ecrit par Henry Mintzberg 

Nous, au Canada, aux côtés d'autres personnes du monde entier, n'avons pas pu voter aux dernières élections américaines. Toutefois, nous devrons vraisemblablement en souffrir les conséquences à l'échelle internationale. Devons-nous rester inactifs, comme à l'habitude, et assister au déroulement des choses, y compris des possibles effets catastrophiques des changements climatiques, si rien n'est fait?

Published: 25 Nov 2016

The Rest Of The World Couldn't Vote, But We Can Act

We in Canada, along with many other people around the world, did not get to vote in the recent American election -- yet we are meant to suffer the international consequences of it. Shall we sit back, as usual, and watch events unfold, including the possibly catastrophic effects of climate change left unchecked?

Published: 24 Nov 2016

« Les avocats ont un cerveau différent »

...Le fait est que ça ne suffit pas de connaître seulement la loi : il faut avoir des connaissances en gestion, en relations interpersonnelles, mais les Facs de droit continuent d’enseigner ce qui était utile voici 25 ans. Il faut que ça change. Le spécialiste de la gestion de l’Université , Harry Mintzberg, l’a écrit : le monde a besoin de gestionnaires, pas de détenteurs de MBA. C’est la même chose en droit : il faut des avocats bien formés, pas seulement des juristes.

Published: 24 Nov 2016

Global business schools turn to Asia for inspiration

What will business schools look like when they are created on the surface of Mars some decades from now? That is the question Santiago Iniguez, dean of Spain's IE Business School, has been asking himself for the past several years.

Published: 10 Nov 2016

Building a Culture of Innovation shortlisted for Management Gold

The Management Book of the Year competition, which is now in its seventh year, was created to uncover the best books on management and leadership, and help raise the profile of the great management writing published in the UK.

Published: 3 Nov 2016

Heading down the Road to 200

A cornerstone of the Road to 200 is a series of events in Montreal and cities around the world with sizeable alumni communities. On September 22, more than 260 alumni and friends attended a fascinating discussion in Pointe Claire on memory loss as part of the Healthy Brains for Health Lives theme, featuring several leading brain researchers from the MNI and a special presentation from neuroscience pioneer Brenda Milner.

Published: 3 Nov 2016

Musings on management

Written by Henry Mintzberg 

Management is a curious phenomenon. It is generously paid, enormously influential, and significantly devoid of common sense.

At least, the hype about management lacks common sense, as does too much of the practice. I should really say im-practice, because the problems grow out of the disconnection between management and the managed.

Published: 27 Oct 2016

Kevin O’Leary is Wrong! It is NOT All About The Money!

I once went to see Kevin O’Leary at a Fireside Chat at Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Management, just to experience him in a more intimate situation. He was as abrasive and blunt as he was on Dragon’s Den. He still said “it was all about the money” and it made me sad. Read what he says about business being war. I hate war and violence and we do not need more of that in our world.

Published: 24 Oct 2016

Giving all citizens a ‘loud and clear’ voice on health

Senators have proposed emulating the UK’s NHS approach on citizen-centred healthcare and have urged the Oireachtas to consult with as many citizens as possible on the ‘important future’ of Irish healthcare, writes Lloyd Mudiwa. 

Published: 14 Oct 2016

Managers and leaders in high demand

In a crude sense, management can be broken into three parts - man, age and ment. It essentially speaks about people, times and actions. Veteran management thinker Henry Mintzberg often advocates that successful management involves interpersonal, informational and decisional roles. 

Read full article: Daily FT, October 10, 2016 

Published: 11 Oct 2016

Of Empathy And Strategy

Corporations have more data than ever about their consumers and customers, and advanced analytic platforms increasingly democratize data analysis.

Published: 6 Oct 2016

Du pareil au même

L'un de nous est Américain, l'autre est Canadien; l'un est conservateur, l'autre est libéral. Nous vivons tous deux au Canada, une position privilégiée d'où suivre le déroulement de l'élection présidentielle aux États-Unis. Notre interrogation est la suivante : où sont les Américains honnêtes parmi la classe politique et la population?

Published: 26 Sep 2016

Managers, et si vous appreniez à... vous taire!

...Bref, nombre de dirigeants d'entreprise gagneraient clairement à apprendre à se taire. Ne serait que pour mieux écouter ce que les autres ont à leur dire.

Published: 20 Sep 2016

Master of None: Wisdom of an MBA

“It is time to recognise conventional MBA programs for what they are,” says Henry Mintzberg, professor of management studies at in Montreal, and one of the four all-time gurus of strategy. “MBA programs train the wrong people in the wrong ways with the wrong consequences. 

Published: 16 Sep 2016


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