El fenómeno de las estrategias emergentes
Por Jerko Juretic. Si usted le pregunta a cualquier persona de su empresa qué es una estrategia, la mayoría le respondería que es un plan de acción elaborado por la alta dirección.
...En 1978, el experto en management, Henry Mintzberg, propuso que la estrategia también podía ser entendida como un patrón consistente de acciones en el tiempo, desarrollada de manera intencional -o no- por una compañía.
06-04-14 Say it Again and Again
Your strategy to accomplish great results personally, at home and at work has the best chance of success if you invest in it, live it out, and communicate it widely. How often do you hear of plans that are promised but never even attempted? Those are strategies with no life; they are not authentic. Remember, all those implicated in a strategic plan and its actions ought to know it, have the opportunity to embrace it, and promote it.
The psychology of strategy
The psychology of strategy is all about achieving desired objectives, according to business strategy experts. Inherent in this definition is a process of prioritising and focus.
Il lavoro manageriale in pratica
Il lavoro manageriale, di Henry Mintzberg, è considerato uno dei più importanti e influenti testi di management degli ultimi anni. Un vero e proprio must per ogni manager. In questo nuovo volume “Il lavoro manageriale in pratica. Quello che i manager fanno e quello che possono fare meglio”, edito da Franco Angeli, l’autore ha voluto aggiornare e distillare l'essenza del suo pensiero in un libro più snello, operativo, orientato all'azione.
Pédiatre sans limites
Cette semaine, je n'ai pas mangé avec Joanne Liu. Nous avons simplement pris un café sur Notre-Dame Ouest, non loin du marché Atwater.
Will An MBA Degree Make You A Good Leader?
Not necessarily, argues economist Vangelis Tsiligiris, stating that leadership is all about understanding change and nurturing innovation.
Gentle Stewardship
Humility is the key to ‘good’ leadership and the antidote to those models of ‘heroic’ leadership that were always doomed to fail, writes Sharon Turnbull.
Good Leaders Don't Forget About Community
Since the 1980s we have heard much about ‘leadership’; its impact on organizations and being a valued and rare quality. Countless numbers of books, articles, research projects, seminars and papers have been devoted to this subject. A Google search of the term leadership will yield 147 million hits. Must be important!
Mintzberg On Why You Need To View A Company As 'A Community Of Human Beings'
“I’m a human being, not a human resource”. Is something I have heard my colleague Henry Mintzberg say a number of times. It really seems to resonate with people. Recently Henry published on his website an e-pamphlet called Rebalancing Society. In it he argues that society rests on three key pillars: government, business and what he calls plural society. Henry believes that business today in the West has too much power and we need more of the plural society.
The Art (NOT Science) of Management–and Its Cousin Leadership
It seems that a number of people want to be scientists, or at least in the sense of ostensibly adding credibility to their respective field of work. Economists (of which I’ve been a practitioner since 1982) and those in the leadership field (yours truly since the early nineties) covet the science moniker. Adding the word “science” adds a certain cachet to one’s profession.
Déséquilibre social
À l’occasion de la sortie de son pamphlet «Rééquilibrer la société», l’académicien de renommée mondiale Henry Mintzberg discutait au Cercle Universitaire de , jeudi 27 mars, de sa conception des priorités sociales. La société, dit-il, est composée de trois piliers qu’il faut savoir équilibrer: le public, le privé, et ce qu’il appelle le pluriel, «la société civile».
Une guerre pour aider des femmes
Women for Women International est une organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) œuvrant à aider les femmes dans des pays qui ont été affectés par des conflits militaires. Depuis quelques mois, un groupe de dix étudiants a décidé de lutter pour cette cause à l’échelle de l’Université . Le Délit a pu avoir une entrevue avec Zoë Holl, responsable médias et communications et Faustine Rohr-Lacoste, co-fondatrice et responsable événements et levées de fonds.
Talking Management witk Karl Moore: Why You Need to View a Company as 'a Community of Human Beings'
ʰǴڱǰKarl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at speaks to professor Henry Mintzberg about his new e-pamphlet "Rebalancing Society."
Finding Ways to Inspire Confidence
Managing is easy. Getting people to do what you tell them that is hard.
... In his book “Simply Managing” Henry Mintzberg emphasizes the concept of “engaging management” in a way that utilizes a sense of respecting, trusting, caring, inspiring and listening to get the best of everyone in the organization.