
Nathalie Prezeau - Marcher pour voir

La vérité est que je me sens moi-même expat à Toronto. Originaire de Montréal, je suis arrivée dans cette ville il y a 22 ans. Sans l'appui de nos familles, mon mari québécois et moi-même avons élevé une famille et compté sur nos nouvelles amitiés pour faire notre place. C'est avec une mentalité de touriste que j'ai commencé à explorer la ville avec mon bambin de 2 ans, lorsque j'ai quitté mon emploi à temps plein. Je travaillais alors pour TFO, à la promotion des émissions pour enfants. ...

Published: 16 Feb 2015

Meet the new CEO of mining’s first equity crowdfunding platform

Chad Williams is the founder and president of Red Cloud Mining Capital, and is the former CEO of Victoria Gold Corp. Read full article here: Mining, February 4, 2015 Watch video here:, February 3, 2015 

Published: 16 Feb 2015

Desautels students head to 2015 Hult Prize regionals

On March 13-14, students Amanda Chalupa (MSc in Social & Transcultural Psychiatry), Alyssa Wiseman (MBA-Law), Attiya Hirji (BA in International Development), Lida Faridian (MBA) and Vivien Leung (Law), also known as team MILA, are headed to San Francisco to vie for the US$1 million Hult Prize to launch their social program.

Published: 16 Feb 2015

Musicians Help Heal Wounds of Tragedy

Musicians are helping to heal the wounds of tragedy through artistic expression. In the heart-rending aftermath of the Taliban attack on Peshawar’s innocent schoolchildren, Pakistani musicians are using their art form to help the nation through its time of anguish. Foremost among these artists is Usman W. Chohan (Desautels MBA, 2014) through his project Urdudaan.

Published: 23 Jan 2015

How shame and guilt can be used to your advantage in marketing

By DaHee Han

There are ways to ensure marketers are not fumbling in the dark when it comes to getting the most out of using emotion in their marketing campaigns. From billboards and adverts to their company website, my research shows that emotions such as shame and guilt can be used to create a favourable response from consumers.

Published: 11 Dec 2014

Cine sunt managerii care conduc cele mai mari mall-uri din România, în care intră zilnic 400.000 de oameni

Mallurile cu cele mai mari vânzări de pe piaţa locală - AFI Palace Cotroceni şi Băneasa Shopping City din Bucureşti - sunt conduse de doi manageri străini - israelianul Israel Vizel şi grecul Georgios Argentopoulos -, în timp ce proprietarii altor zece centre comerciale importante au decis să lase administrarea pe mâna unor manageri români, reiese dintr-o analiză a ZF.

... Georgios Argentopoulos

CEO, Băneasa Developments

Published: 11 Dec 2014

Talking Management with Karl Moore: Forget big, hairy goals. Think small instead

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at , talking management for The Globe and Mail. Today, I am delighted to speak to Andrew Shipilov from [international business school] Insead, just outside of Paris.

When you look at alliances, trust is really important. Tell us more about this.

Published: 11 Dec 2014

Giving S.M.A.R.T. Feedback to Millennials

Article by Karl Moore

Many managers today don’t relish giving feedback. In the past, feedback was associated with the annual review, a thoroughly unenjoyable hour where everyone involved couldn’t wait for it to end. Today with Millennials as the future of our organizations, feedback is more central to the role of manager than ever before.

... This was written with Sema Burney.

Published: 11 Dec 2014

Leaders don’t need to be extroverted

Many people strive to be leaders in their society so they can make a difference in the world and improve people’s lives. As many of us know, it takes just one person to create even the most significant of changes around us — this thought alone should push everyone to develop their inner leader, no matter what their personality may be.

Published: 4 Dec 2014

Talking Management with Professor Karl Moore: Big doesn’t mean you aren’t nimble in business

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today I am delighted to speak to Michael Jacobites from the London Business School.

Michael, tell us about value migration.

Published: 4 Dec 2014

Shameful advertising

Shame and guilt have different effects on consumer buying habits, new research from the Desautels Faculty of Management in Canada finds.

... Professor DaHee Han says:

Published: 4 Dec 2014

Un Québécois à la tête de Bell Helicopter à Mirabel

Le Québécois Raymond Leduc prend la tête de la filiale canadienne de Bell Helicopter située à Mirabel. Il remplace l’actuel patron Barry Kohler qui retourne au siège social du Texas, a appris la chaîne Argent.

Published: 4 Dec 2014

Ontario co-op movement could use a legislative leg-up

Despite member-controlled and community-centric businesses gaining much appeal and generating billions in revenue, laws that govern co-ops in Ontario are strikingly outdated and restrictive.

Published: 1 Dec 2014

How Far Down Do You Define Deviancy in Ferguson?

The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s celebrated phrase “defining deviancy down” first appeared in a 1993 essayThe American Scholar. “I proffer the thesis,” wrote Moynihan, “that, over the past generation…the amount of deviant behavior in American society has increased beyond the levels the community can ‘afford to re

Published: 28 Nov 2014

Talking Management with Karl Moore: Why communication is key for virtual teams

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today I am delighted to speak to JoAnne Yates from MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology].

JoAnne, what have you learned in your research about virtual teams?

Published: 27 Nov 2014


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