A typology of user liability to IT addiction
Authors: Issac Vaghefi, Liette Lapointe and Camille Boudreau-Pinsonneault
Publication: Information Systems Journal
Social value and content value in social media: Two paths to psychological well-being
Authors: Jiao, Y., Jo, M.S., Sarigollu, E.
Publication:Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Special Section Introduction—Online Community as Space for Knowledge Flows
Authors: Faraj, S., Krogh, G., Monteiro, E., Lakhani, K.R.
Publication: Information Systems Research
Exotic Interest Rate Swaps: Snowballs in Portugal
ܳٳǰ:Vallee, B., Augustin, P., Rich, P.
Publications: Harvard Business Publishing
Group Selling, Product Durability, and Consumer Behavior
ܳٳǰ:He, Y., Ray, S., Yin, S.
ʳܲپDzԲ:Production and Operations Management
Matters of visuality in legitimation practices: Dual iconographies in a meeting room
Authors: Vaujany, F.X., Vaast, E.
Publication: Organization
Gene and environment interaction: Is the differential susceptibility hypothesis relevant for obesity?
Authors:Mollea, R.D., Fatemia, H., Dagherb, A., Levitanc, R.D., Silveirad, P.P., Dubé, L.
Publication:Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
Sustainability Research Symposium
Registration is now open for 7th annual Sustainability Research Symposium at from March 9th-10th, 2017. This student-led symposium brings together students and researchers to share ideas on this year’s theme of Resilience. Sign up now for the opportunity to hear from keynote lecturers, and participate in a poster and networking session, as well as a new applied sustainability worksho
2017 SSHRC Connection Grant
Congratulations to Professor Demetrios Vakratsas on receiving a 2017 SSHRC Connection Grant for his project entitled “Empirical & Theoretical Canadian Marketing Strategy Symposium: Marketing Analytics for Better Decisions”.
Who Are the Value and Growth Investors?
ܳٳǰ:Betermier, S., Calvet, L.E., Sodini, P.
Publication: The Journal of Finance, Vol. 72, No. 1, 2017
Monetizing Freemium Communities: Does Paying for Premium Increase Social Engagement?
ܳٳǰ:Bapna, R., Ramaprasad , J., Umyarov , A.
Publication: MIS Quarterly, 42(3), 719-735
Making sustainable profits from a baseline zero price and motivating free consumers to convert to premium subscribers is a continuing challenge for all freemium communities. Prior research has causally established that social engagement (Oestreicher-Singer and Zalmanson 2013) and peer influence (Bapna and Umyarov 2015) are two important drivers of users converting to premium subscribers in such communities. In this paper, we flip the perspective of prior research and ask whether the decision to pay for premium subscription causes users to become more socially engaged. In the context of the Last.fm music listening freemium social community, we establish, using a novel 41 month long panel dataset, a look-ahead propensity score matching (LA-PSM) procedure coupled with a difference-in-difference estimator of the treatment effect, that payment for premium leads to more social engagement. Specifically, we find that paying for premium leads to an increase in both content-related and community-related social engagement. Free users who convert to premium listen to 287.2% more songs, create 1.92% more playlists, exhibit a 2.01% increase in the number of forum posts made, and gain 15.77% more friends. Thus, premium subscribers create value not only for themselves by consuming more content, but also for the community and site by organizing more content and adding more friends, who are subsequently engaged by the social diffusion emerging from the focal user’s activities.
Read full abstract: MISQ, December 15, 2016
The influence of IT and knowledge capabilities on the survival of university IT startups
ܳٳǰ:Divinus Oppong-Tawiah, Yolande E. Chan
Publication: International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
Carlos Rodriguez awarded the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2015-2016
Carlos Rodriguez (PhD'15) has been awarded the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2015-2016 for his outstanding dissertation entitled "Global Subunit Specialization: An organizational perspective", which was recognized for its originality, as well as for its sound empirical work and practical results.
$9.6M from Genome Canada
Genome Canada and its partners have awarded $9.6 million towards the assessment of the risks that toxic chemicals pose to the environment. The funding will support an interdisciplinary team of researchers, including Professor Steve Maguire of the Desautels Faculty of Management, along with partners in industry, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and at the University of Saskatchewan.
Pilot CEOs and corporate innovation
Authors: Jayanthi Sundera, Shyam V. Sundera, Jingjing Zhang
Publication: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 123, No. 1, 2017