Patient-centric design of long-term care networks
Authors: Paul Intrevado, Vedat Verter and Lucie Tremblay
Publication: Health Care Management Science, Forthcoming
Low birth weight is associated with increased fat intake in school-aged boys
Authors: Adrianne R. Bischoff, André K. Portella, Catherine Paquet, Roberta Dalle Molle, Aida Faber, Narendra Arora, Robert D. Levitan, PatrÃcia P. Silveira and Laurette Dubé
Publication: British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 119, No. 11, June 2018
The prediction of oil price turning points with log-periodic power law and multi-population genetic algorithm
Authors: Fangzheng Cheng, Tijun Fan, Dandan Fan and Shanling Li
Publication: Energy Economics, Vol. 72, May 2018
Cutting the Cord: Mutual Respect, Organizational Autonomy, and Independence in Organizational Separation Processes
Authors: Rene Wiedner and Saku Mantere
Publication: Administrative Science Quarterly, Forthcoming
Based on a longitudinal, qualitative analysis of developments in the English National Health Service, we develop a process model of how organizations divest or spin off units with the aim of establishing two or more autonomous organizational entities while simultaneously managing their continued interdependencies. We find that effective organizational separation depends on generating two types of respect—appraisal and recognition respect—between the divesting and divested units. Appraisal respect involves showing appreciation for competence or the effort to achieve it, while recognition respect requires considering what someone cares about—such as values or concerns—and acknowledging that they matter. The process model we develop shows that open communication is crucial to the development of both. We also find that certain attempts to gain organizational independence and respect may unintentionally undermine the development of autonomy. Counterintuitively, we find that increasing or maintaining interorganizational links via communication may facilitate organizational separation, while attempts by units to distance themselves from one another may unintentionally inhibit it. By linking organizational separation, autonomy, independence, and respect, this paper develops theory on organizational separation processes and more generally enhances our understanding of organizational autonomy and its relations with mutual respect.
Professor Kartik Ganju's paper selected as Featured Article in Management Science
Assistant Professor in Information Systems Kartik Ganju's paper "The Spillover Effects of Health IT Investments on Regional Healthcare Costs," with co-authors Hilal Atasoy and Pei-yu Chen was selected by the Managing Editor of Management Science as one of the Featured Articles for the June 2018 issue.
Professor Emmanuelle Vaast received Best Paper Award in Academy of Management Annals
Professor Emmanuelle Vaast's paper published in the Academy of Management Annals, "Social Media and Their Affordances for Organizing: A Review and Agenda for Research," with Paul M. Leonardi were co-winners for the Best Paper Award for Volume 11 (2017).
The mission of Annals is to publish up-to-date, in-depth and integrative reviews of research advances in management.
Professor Patrick Augustin wins 2018 Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income
Assistant Professor in Finance, Patrick Augustin, recently received the 2018 Arthur Warga Award for Best Paper in Fixed Income at the Society for Financial Studies (SFS) Calvalcade North America 2018 with co-authors Mikhail Chernov and Dongho Song.
Informed Options Trading Prior to Takeover Announcements: Insider Trading?
Authors: Patrick Augustin, Menachem Brenner, Marti G. Subrahmanyam
Publication: Management Science, May 21, 2019
We quantify the pervasiveness of informed trading activity in target companies' equity options before the announcements of 1,859 U.S. takeovers between 1996 and 2012. About 25% of all takeovers have positive abnormal volumes, which are greater for short-dated out-of-the-money calls, consistent with bullish directional trading before the announcement. Over half of this abnormal activity is unlikely due to speculation, news and rumors, trading by corporate insiders, leakage in the stock market, deal predictability, or beneficial ownership filings by activist investors. We also examine the characteristics of option trades litigated by the SEC for alleged illegal insider trading. While the characteristics of such trades closely resemble the patterns of abnormal option volume in the U.S. takeover sample, we find that the SEC litigates only about 8% of all deals in it.
Inspiration from the 'Biggest Loser': Social Interactions in a Weight Loss Program
Authors: Kosuke Uetake, Nathan YangÂ
Publication: Marketing Science, Forthcoming
We investigate the role of heterogeneous peer effects in encouraging healthy lifestyles. Our analysis revolves around one of the largest and most extensive databases about weight loss that track individual participants' meeting attendance and progress in a large national weight loss program. The main finding is that while weight loss among average performing peers has a negative effect on an individual's weight loss, the corresponding effect for the top performer among peers is positive. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our results are robust to potential issues related to selection into meetings, endogenous peer outcomes, individual unobserved heterogeneity, lagged dependent variables, and contextual effects. Ultimately, these results provide guidance about how the weight loss program should identify role models.
A Large-Scale Approach for Evaluating Asset Pricing Models
Author: Laurent Barras
Publication: Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
Recent studies show that the standard test portfolios do not contain sufficient information to discriminate between asset pricing models. To address this issue, we develop a large-scale approach that expands the cross-section to several thousand portfolios. Our novel approach is simple, widely applicable, and allows for formal evaluation/comparison tests. Its benefits are confirmed in empirical tests of CAPM- and characteristic-based models. While these models are all misspecified, we uncover striking performance differences between them. In particular, the human capital and conditional CAPMs largely outperform the CAPM which suggests that labor income and time-varying recession risks are primary concerns for investors.
CSR types and the moderating role of corporate competence
Authors: Xiaoye Chen, Rong Huang, Zhiyong Yang, Laurette Dube
Publication:Â European Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming
Addressing Complex Societal Problems: Enabling Multiple Dimensions of Proximity to Sustain Partnerships for Collective Impact in Quebec
Authors: Nii Addy and Laurette Dubé
Publication: Sustainability, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 2018
Growth and Learning Mechanisms in the Evolving Multilayered and Multidimensional View of International Entrepreneurship
Author: Hamid EtemadÂ
Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 16, No. 1, Winter 2018
The Term Structure of CDS Spreads and Sovereign Credit Risk
Author: Patrick Augustin
Publication: Journal of Monetary Economics, Forthcoming
Discounted: The effect of founder race on the price of new products
Authors:Â Peter Younkin, Venkat Kuppuswamy
Publication: Journal of Business Venturing, Forthcoming