

Air Canada sets sights on budget-friendly flights

At its latest Investor Day, Air Canada announced that it will be considering the possibility of introducing an ultra-low-cost airfare plan. The news comes as more and more airline companies, such as WestJet and Flair Airlines, begin to dabble in the cheapening airfare market.

Published: 21 Sep 2017

Canada, UK up the ante on Boeing vs Bombardier

A CTV News piece about the latest developments in Boeing’s complaint against Bombardier states that London is now pressuring the White House because wings for the C Series are made in Northern Ireland, and Ottawa is hinting that its deal to buy $6.3 billion worth of Boeing’s Super Hornet fighters may be up in the air.

Published: 13 Sep 2017

Karl Moore on Boomers, millennials and the post-truth world

Desautels Associate Professor Karl Moore writes in Forbes that executives and older people who are disoriented by the post-fact world can do themselves a favour by looking to millennials for help.

Published: 8 Sep 2017

From dropout to airline mogul: how Wow Air’s CEO made his own success

Desautels Professor Karl Moore writes in the Calgary Herald that Icelandic businessman Skúli Morgensen’s low-cost carrier Wow Air is only the latest company that he has founded since he started his first business while he was still a student.

Published: 5 Sep 2017

Bombardier’s past haunts it as NYC blocks it from bidding on new subway cars

According to a story in the Montreal Gazette, Bombardier has been frozen out of a bidding process to build up to 1,695 new subway cars for the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority due to cost overruns and late delivery on an earlier MTA contract. The beleaguered company’s early performance on a contract for Toronto’s new streetcars was similarly poor, though Bombardier says that it has been meeting deadlines for the past year.

Published: 1 Sep 2017

Karl Moore on Air Transat: the company needs to learn from its mistakes

Desautels Professor Karl Moore recently appeared on BNN to discuss the hearings into the stranding of two Air Transat flights in Ottawa last month.

During the discussion, Prof. Moore brought up several points, but ultimately said that Air Transat needs to show that it has learned from the event.

Published: 1 Sep 2017

Karl Moore traces brands, from ancient Rome to today

A recent piece at Appsforpcdaily.com delves into The Birth of the Brand: 4000 Years of Branding History, a study by Desautels professor Karl Moore and Susan E. Reid that contends that brands are as old as civilization.

Published: 24 Aug 2017

Three keys for introverted leaders

Desautels professor Karl Moore writes in The Globe and Mail that, though most business leadership writing is aimed at extroverts, introverted leaders are becoming more evident every day. He goes on to describe ways in which introverted leaders can effectively manage extroverts.

Published: 23 Aug 2017

To realise your potential, be fully engaged.

A piece in Forbes co-authored by Desautels professor Karl Moore and Sandoz executive Vincenzo Ciampi (BCom’94) says that it takes a sense of purpose to realise one’s career potential.

Published: 8 Aug 2017

Karl Moore nominated for Thinkers50 prize

Desautels Professor Karl Moore has been nominated in the leadership category of this year’s Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement Awards.

Published: 2 Aug 2017

BRP largely immune to malaise afflicting Bombardier

Since being sold off by Bombardier in 2003, BRP has enjoyed a string of successes while its parent has staggered under the weight of economic, management and public relations woes. And though the worst might be behind Bombardier, its stock price has dropped by almost 50 per cent while BRP’s has climbed by 80 per cent.

Published: 2 Aug 2017

How interviewing CEOs informed Adam Bryant’s views on leadership

According to a Financial Post article by Desautels professor Karl Moore and BCom undergrad Sara Avramovic, New York Times journalist Adam Bryant has spent the past eight years interviewing some of the world’s biggest-name CEOs for his column, Corner Office.

Published: 26 Jul 2017

Karl Moore and Kat Garcia talk business and acting on Australian radio

Desautels professor Karl Moore and actor-cum-management consultant Kat Garcia (BCom'16) recently appeared on ABC Radio in Australia to talk about skills that CEOs can borrow from actors to improve their own performance.

Published: 25 Jul 2017

Ambiverts and success, Karl Moore’s advice

Desautels professor Karl Moore writes in Forbes that, in-between extroverts and introverts, the ambivert pulls benefits from both social situations and alone time, giving them the best of both worlds.

Being able to talk and listen naturally makes ambiverts great at jobs where the give-and-take of a normal conversation plays into success.

Published: 18 Jul 2017

Boomers, millennials and today’s workforce: a conversation with Karl Moore

In a recent piece in Mind This Magazine, medical doctor Sven Jungmann talks with Desautels professor Karl Moore about generational stereotypes. As a millennial, Dr. Jungmann takes issue with the generalizations that come with generational discussions.

Published: 12 Jul 2017


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