How is Liquidity Priced in Global Markets?
Investors pay a premium for liquidity, but exactly how much do they pay and how does that vary? Desautels Professor Vihang Errunza investigates that question with a new international asset pricing model.
Professor Augustin appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance
Congratulations to Patrick Augustin, Associate Professor of Finance, for his appointment as Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance.
Professor Yolande E. Chan wins a 2021 AIS Technology VISION Award
Congratulations to Yolande E. Chan, along with her AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems 2021 co-chair Professor Maric Boudreau, for winning a 2021 Association for Information Systems (AIS) Technology VISION Award. The Technology Awards are given annually to those in the Information Systems community who have made significant contributions to the development of AIS.
Prof Sebastien Betermier's paper wins the 2021 Morgan Stanley Best Paper Award in Investments
Congratulations to Sebastien Betermier, Associate Professor of Finance, whose paper “What Do the Portfolios of Individual Investors Reveal About the Cross-Section of Equity Returns?” is the winner of the 2021 Morgan Stanley Best Paper Award in Investments.
Prof Maxime Cohen's paper receives the CIST Best Conference Paper Nomination Award
Congratulations to Maxime Cohen, Professor of Retail and Operations Management, whose paper "The Effect of Short-Term Rentals on Residential Investment“ was selected as Best Conference Paper Nominee at the 2021 Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)
Prof Wei Qi wins INFORMS Chuck ReVelle Rising Star Award 2021
Congratulations to Wei Qi, Associate Professor in Operations Management, Winner of the INFORMS Chuck ReVelle Rising Star Award 2021
Prof. Maxime Cohen named as SCALE AI Research Chair in Data Science for Retail
Congratulations to Professor Maxime Cohen, co-director of the Bensadoun School of Retail Management’s retail innovation lab, for being awarded the SCALE AI Research Chair in Data Science for Retail.
New report finds supplier diversity a novel subject in Canada
In a new report supported by the Women's Entrepreneur Knowledge Hub out of Ryerson University, Prof. Patricia Hewlin and former Integrated Management fellows Sandra Urbina Chang (MBA’19), Fiorella Rojas Vizarreta, (MBA‘19) and Hoaran Wang (BCom’20) outline a two-part study on perceptions and attitudes towards supplier diversity.
Trajectory Dynamics in Innovation: Developing and Transforming a Mobile Money Service Across Time and Place
Authors: E. Oborn, M. Barrett, W. Orlikowski, and Anna Kim
Publication: Organization Science, Volume 30, Issue 5, September-October 2019, Pages 896-1123
Identifying Perverse Incentives in Buyer Profiling on Online Trading Platforms
Authors: K.N. Kannan, R.L. Saha and Warut Khern-am-nuai
Publication: Information Systems Research, Forthcoming
Going viral or growing like an oak tree? Towards sustainable local development through entrepreneurship
Authors: Suntae Kim and Anna Kim
Publication: Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming
Professor Betermier’s paper awarded by NFA
Congratulations to Sebastien Betermier, Associate Professor of Finance, whose paper “What Do the Portfolios of Individual Investors Reveal About the Cross-Section of Equity Returns” is the Winner of Best Paper in Asset Pricing and Market Microstructure at the 2021 Northern Finance Association (NFA) Meeting.
More than the Quantity: The Value of Editorial Reviews for a UGC Platform
Authors: Y. Deng, J. Zheng, Warut Khern-am-nuai, and K.N. Kannan
Publication: Management Science, Forthcoming
Online-Exclusive or Hybrid? Channel Merchandising Strategies for Ship-to-Store Implementation
Authors: N. Ertekin, Mehmet Gumus, and M.E. Nikoofal
Publication: Management Science, Forthcoming
Reaching for yield or resiliency? Explaining the shift in Canadian pension plan portfolios
Authors: Sébastien Betermier, Nicholas Byrne, Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, Hayden Ford, Jason Ho, Chelsea Mitchell
Publication: Bank of Canada, Staff Analytical Note 2021-20, August 2021