Henry Mintzberg - La Société Plurielle
Henry Mintzberg enseigne la gestion à l’Université depuis 45 ans. La renommée de ce Montréalais d’origine dépasse les frontières du Québec et du Canada. Iconoclaste avéré, le pro-fesseur Mintzberg aime quitter les sentiers universitaires battus pour emprunter des chemins moins fréquentés, des chemins parfois même marqués « à gauche ».
Why corporate social responsibility isn't a piece of cake
Written by Professor Henry Mintzberg with his colleague J.C. Marques
Although corporations can play important roles in addressing some of society’s problems, it’s naïve to think that corporate social responsibility can turn the corporate landscape into a win-win wonderland.
We Still Need to Talk About the Globe's Bizarre Endorsement
Article written by Professor Henry Mintzberg
On Friday before the election, the Globe and Mail came out for the Conservatives...without Harper! As if they could re-engineer the election -- to have their conservative cake while eating its leader.
The need for communities
Article written by Professor Henry Mintzberg
If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community, ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house.
The growing strength of LinkedIn's weak connections
I've got a bunch of endorsements awaiting my approval to add them to my LinkedIn profile. ... "If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community," management scholar Henry Mintzberg wrote this week on HBR.org, "ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house."
The astonishing second act of Cirque du Soleil
Up high in the air inside the Cirque du Soleil headquarters, trained staff step gingerly on taut metal wires. … “The famous line from Guy was, ‘We’re a private company. That gives us the freedom to grow, as we didn’t have pressure to make quarterly earnings.’ I think that’s kind of gone now,” says Robert David, professor of strategic management at , who has followed the company from its early days.
The Strength of LinkedIn's Weak Ties
I’ve got a bunch of endorsements awaiting my approval to add them to my LinkedIn profile. ... “If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community,” management scholar Henry Mintzberg wrote this week on HBR.org, “ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house.”
Henry Mintzberg to achieve Thinkers50 Lifetime Achievement Award
This year’s Thinkers50 ranking publication is getting closer. Besides that, they have already announced that Henry Mintzberg will receive the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award. I think he is an excellent choice. Read full article: Eddielogic, October 7, 2015
La revolución tranquila en las escuelas de negocios (sí, también tienen su Podemos)
Uno de los paradójicos efectos de la crisis fue el aumento del prestigio de las 'business schools'. ...“Los MBA forman a la gente equivocada con métodos equivocados y traen consecuencias equivocadas”, llegó a afirmar uno de los más importantes gurús del 'management', Henry Mintzberg.
O professor canadense Henry Mintzberg irá receber neste ano um prêmio da Thinkers pelo conjunto de sua obra. A entidade publica o ranking dos 50 pensadores de negócios mais influentes da atualidade a cada dois anos. Época NEGÓCIOS entrevistou Mintzberg em 2010. Confira os melhores momentos do bate-papo.
A different kind of MOOC
The Desautels Faculty of Management launched a world’s first on September 16, coining a new word in the process. According to the people who put the course together, “Social Learning for Social Impact” is the very first GROOC (Group MOOC), a new massive open online course that’s designed to foster social collaboration, interaction and learning.
Henry Mintzberg to receive Thinkers50 Lifetime Achievement Award
Thinkers50, the premier ranking of global business thinkers, today announced that Henry Mintzberg is to be the recipient of its 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award – previously won by Charles Handy and Ikujiro Nonaka.
Das Auto, now what?
The biggest automaker in the world admits it screwed up. Rigging emissions tests on its diesel cars will cost Volkswagen billions. But what's happened to car owners' trust?
How the Volkswagen scandal reflects entrenched corporate corruption
Written by Henry Mintzberg
‘What was Volkswagen thinking?’ This question makes a big assumption: that the Volkswagen people were thinking about anything beyond their greed. About decency, about our environment, about their progeny.
Okay, so you won’t be buying a Volkswagen. A Chevrolet? Watch out for the ignition. Or how about a Toyota? Just duck as the airbag comes your way. Do you, by any chance, see a pattern? Have webeen thinking?
Terence Corcoran: Nobody died in a Volkswagen
Poor old VW, caught in the giant pincers of the U.S. regulatory machine that keeps closing in on car markers and car drivers in the name of the climate and the environment.