
Les altermondialistes débarquent à Montréal

Environ 50 000 altermondialistes du Québec et d'ailleurs sont attendus à Montréal à partir du 9 août pour participer au Forum social mondial (FSM), qui se tient pour la première fois dans un pays occidental.

Published: 3 Aug 2016

The Evolution of Issue Interpretation within Organizational Fields: Framing Trajectories and Field Settlement

ܳٳǰ:Litrico, J.B., David, R. 

Publication: Academy of Management Journal 


Published: 3 Aug 2016

Do you run for cure? How about running for cause.

You probably know people who have had some sort of cancer. You also know many more who will be getting these diseases—you just don’t know who they are. So when you “Run for Cancer”, the money likely goes for those people who have the disease, to find a cure, rather than to the investigation of cause, so that many more people needn’t get the disease in the first place.

Published: 28 Jul 2016

How academic research is subject to racism, sexism

From the rise of social media campaigns such as #blacklivesmatter and #oscarssowhite to the anti-immigration rhetoric fuelling the Brexit and U.S. presidential campaigns, race has dominated conversations worldwide in 2016.

Published: 28 Jul 2016

Harvard Business School’s bricks-and-clicks spree

As dean of Harvard Business School, part of Nitin Nohria’s job is to mythologise its vast campus. The inauguration last month of yet another new building offered a perfect marketing opportunity.

Published: 25 Jul 2016

Forum social mondial: par terre, pour la Terre

Vous connaissez sans doute le Forum économique mondial (FEM), ou du moins sa rencontre annuelle de Davos. Tous les mois de janvier, 2500 des personnes les plus influentes au monde envahissent ce lieu de villégiature suisse pour faire bouger le monde, tout en s'assurant qu'il demeure solidement enraciné dans la mondialisation de l'économie.

Published: 18 Jul 2016

Harvard Business School’s bricks-and-clicks spending spree

As dean of Harvard Business School, part of Nitin Nohria’s job is to mythologise its vast campus. The inauguration last month of yet another new building offered a perfect marketing opportunity.

Published: 18 Jul 2016

Combining leadership skill and management capability

Chris Lake, head of professional development at the NHS Leadership Academy, explores why leadership and management are equally important – and why they can’t work in isolation.

Having spent twenty years in the business of studying leadership and developing leaders, there’s not a single definition of leadership, or even a set of definitions, that are nearly as coherent and unified as there are for management.

Published: 14 Jul 2016

On the earth, for the Earth

You have likely heard of the World Economic Forum (WEF), or at least its annual conference in Davos. Every January, 2500 of the world’s movers and shakers descend on this Swiss resort to shake the world, while ensuring that its roots remain firmly planted in economic globalization.

Published: 14 Jul 2016

Sobre Papas e gurus

Para além de seu carisma e das posições progressistas em temas delicados para a Igreja Católica, é possível que o Papa Francisco fique na história por outro legado, mais discreto e incomum: a arrumação de uma enorme e complexa casa chamada Vaticano. Segundo a imprensa, Jorge Mario Bergoglio contratou três multinacionais de consultoria para examinar com lupa as finanças da Igreja, bem como trouxe profissionais de mercado para ocupar posições gerenciais, em substituição a religiosos amadores.

Published: 12 Jul 2016

What Makes Public Disclosure Effective?

Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is a technology employed in the production of oil and gas from unconventional shale formations. Over the last decade, tens of thousands of fracking wells have been drilled worldwide. Fracking often takes place in relatively populated areas, thus posing an array of risks to public health such as water contamination and induced seismicity.

Published: 30 Jun 2016

We Need To Learn How To Manage With A Soul

“Managing without soul has become an epidemic in society. Many managers these days seem to specialize in killing cultures, at the expense of human engagement.” That’s what management guru Henry Mintzberg recently wroteabout the current state of corporate culture on his blog.

Read full article: Forbes, June 19, 2016 

Published: 21 Jun 2016

The Cult of the Leader

The claim of this recent book by Manchester Business School professor Christopher Bones is that too much of a focus on ‘leadership’ in business can be counterproductive and even dangerous for organizations.

Published: 16 Jun 2016


Henry Mintzberg has been sharing his insights on management for almost 40 years. Often original and provocative, his booksThe Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning and Managers not MBAsare still widely cited, Mintzberg’s Managing brings together a lot of Mintzberg’s key ideas on the practice of management, as exemplified by Mintzberg’s observations of a day in working lives of 29 managers from a wide ride of organisations.

Published: 16 Jun 2016

From leadership to 'communityship'

At the core of our existence is a common pool of energy, a deep well of creative capacity which we access whenever we share a sense of belonging to and caring for something larger than ourselves. To generate this common pool of creative capacity involves turning from a linear and closely-controlled leadership environment to a more integrative and holistic worldview.

Published: 30 May 2016


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