2017 SSHRC Connection Grant
Congratulations to Professor Demetrios Vakratsas on receiving a 2017 SSHRC Connection Grant for his project entitled “Empirical & Theoretical Canadian Marketing Strategy Symposium: Marketing Analytics for Better Decisions”.
Business schools heed the call for more data-literate graduates
Deloitte Analytics and other companies have been pushing Canadian universities for years to produce more data-literate graduates to fill their talent needs. Their efforts appear to be paying off, with business schools ramping up their offerings in data analytics. [...]
Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude, and behaviors
ܳٳǰ:Ertza, M.,Karakasb, F.,Sarigöllü, E.
Publication: Journal of Business Research
Coping and Construal Level Matching Drives Health Message Effectiveness via Response Efficacy or Self-Efficacy Enhancement
Authors: Han, D.,Duhachek, A.,Agrawal, N.
Publication: Journal of Consumer Research
Measuring the Efficiency of Category-Level Sales Response to Promotions
ܳٳǰ:Trivedi, M.,Gauri, D.K., Yu, M.
ʳܲپDz:Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 10, October 2017
Unobserved heterogeneity in dynamic games: Cannibalization and preemptive entry of hamburger chains in Canada
ܳٳǰ:Igami, M., Yang, N.
Publication: Quantitative Economics
The evolution of an ICT platform-enabled ecosystem for poverty alleviation: The case of Ekutir
ܳٳǰ:Jha, S.K.,Pinsonneault, A.,Dubé, L.
Publications:MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
Exploring the Diversity of Virtues Through the Lens of Moral Imagination: A Qualitative Inquiry into Organizational Virtues in the Turkish Context
ܳٳǰ:Karakas, F.,Sarigollu, E.,Uygur, S.
Publication: Journal of Business Ethics
When one degree just isn’t enough
In 2010, after graduating from in Montreal with an undergraduate degree in engineering, Shawn Errunza co-founded a biomedical device company whose software-based tools help rehabilitate victims of strokes and other injuries.
Professor Mukherjee appointed member of the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Advertising and Journal of Business Research
Professor AsheshMukherjee has been appointed member of the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Advertising and Journal of Business Research.The Journal of Advertising (JA) is the premier academic publication covering significant intellectual development pertaining to advertising theories and their relationship with practice.The
Scarcity Appeals in Advertising: The Moderating Role of Expectation of Scarcity
ܳٳǰ:Mukherjee, A.& Lee, S. Y.
Publication: Journal of Advertising
Marketing Corporate Social Responsibility: Tips for B2B enterprises
The new study byDr. Saurabh Mishra, Associate Professor, Desautels Faculty of Management, andDr. Sachin B. Modi, Associate Professor, College of Business, Iowa State University, was recently published in theJournal of Marketing.
Companies and universities tackle obesity through pulses
To discover new ways of promoting pulses like lentils and peas to tackle obesity and undernutrition, the Desautels Faculty of Management at has launched a platform that enables companies and institutes to work together towards improving the nutrition of food products.
The Global Pulse Innovation Platform (PIP) aims to boost consumption of protein-rich pulses, a sustainable food product that helps prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Does CSR create shareholder wealth?
Due to increasing pressures on organisations to behave in socially responsible ways, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming a “must have” component of corporate strategy. This is a good development for the society at large as the massive rate of industrialization in the last century has placed a heightened burden on the limited resources our planet has to offer.
Socially responsible behavior boosts profit - if marketing is strong
That can complicate the situation for managers who must balance between doing good and keeping shareholders happy, said Sachin Modi, an associate professor in Iowa State University's College of Business. According to a new study by Modi and Saurabh Mishra, an associate professor at , a strong marketing department is crucial to helping a firm leverage its efforts to be socially responsible.