
Windsor Capital Advisors Announces That WB II Acquisition Corp. and Input Capital Corp. Have Entered Into Amalgamation Agreement

Published: 11 July 2013

WB II Acqui­si­tion Corp. is pleased to announce that it has entered into a “three-cornered” amal­ga­ma­tion agree­ment (the “Amal­ga­ma­tion Agree­ment”) pur­suant to the pro­vi­sions of The Busi­ness Cor­po­ra­tions Act (Saskatchewan) dated July 5, 2013 with Input Cap­i­tal Corp. (“Input”) and 101235015 Saskatchewan Ltd. (“WB II Subco”), a wholly-owned sub­sidiary of WB II, whereby Input will amal­ga­mate with WB II Subco (the “Amalgamation”). The amal­ga­mated entity (“Amalco”) will be named “Input Cap­i­tal Corp.”

... David Lai­d­ley (BCom'67) — Pro­posed Director

Mr. Lai­d­ley is Chair­man Emer­i­tus of Deloitte LLP (Canada), an audit and finan­cial ser­vices firm, where he was a part­ner from 1975 until his retire­ment in 2007. Mr. Lai­d­ley served as Chair­man of Deloitte LLP from 2000 to 2006 and dur­ing that time, he also served on the Global Board of Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu as well as its Gov­er­nance Com­mit­tee and he chaired its Audit Com­mit­tee. As a char­tered accoun­tant, he has enjoyed a dis­tin­guished career span­ning 40 years with Canada’s largest pro­fes­sional ser­vices firm, with spe­cial­iza­tion in its tax and audit prac­tices. Apply­ing his back­ground in tax, he has coun­seled many clients in the areas of cor­po­rate reor­ga­ni­za­tions, acqui­si­tions and divesti­tures. Mr. Lai­d­ley serves on the boards of Aimia Inc., EMCOR Group Inc., ProSep Inc., Bank of Canada, Nau­tilus Indem­nity Hold­ings Lim­ited (where he is Chair­man), and on a num­ber of other boards of pri­vate insti­tu­tions and foun­da­tions. Mr. Lai­d­ley is a Fel­low of the Ordre des compt­a­bles pro­fes­sion­nels agréés du Québec (CPA) and holds a Bach­e­lor of Com­merce degree from .

Read full article: , July 5, 2013


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