
Millennials Work For Purpose, Not Paycheck

Published: 6 October 2014

Article by Karl Moore and Sienna Zampino

Fulfillment at work, fulfillment at home… Millennials want it all and they want it fast. Unlike many Moderns, Millennials want to be home for dinner, and want to feel like their 9-5 job has a real purpose. They are constantly seeking purpose in what they do for a living and at the same time want to know how their job is helping them get to the top. They’re constantly questioning where they are going next and why. That is, which position they will hold next. If your organization can’t tell them that, they’ll seek out another firm that will.

..In the 80s and early 90s, many of the white collar workers of the financial world, like myself, were very much motivated by share price. Many of us worked very hard to get the share price up. Our incomes were often central to how we defined our value and our lives. You might remember the bumper sticker, “He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins”.

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