
Feeling entrepreneurial?

Published: 25 June 2014

“People used to take a traits-based approach to defining entrepreneurs: they are risk-takers, for instance,” saysGreg Vit, BCom’80, director of the Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship in ’s Desautels Faculty of Management. “But that characterization has been challenged by a more recent approach that suggests you can create the underlying conditions to help entrepreneurs emerge.”

...“We had the opportunity to talk to people with significant expertise, which was the most valuable gain for us,” saysGrant Yim, BCom’03, who, with his teammates – all graduates – presented Hypejar to the Dobson Cup judges, half of whom hailed from Silicon Valley.

...This year, four ians hope to receive the same kind of life-changing experience through their own Next 36 involvement.Stéphanie Brisson, BCom’14, Madeleine Channen, Elyse Lefebvre, BA’13, andJaclyn Ling, BCom’14, were all picked to be participants.

... While start-ups often begin with a “Eureka!” moment, there’s far more to the story than that. “A lot of people have great ideas,” saysSophie Boulanger, BCom’03, whose own great idea resulted in BonLook, an online retailer that specializes in eyewear that’s both affordable and stylish.

...Pino Di Ioia, BA’91, MBA’93, andAnthony Di Ioia, BA’92, MBA’94, understand that. The twin brothers are CEO and CFO, respectively, of BeaverTails Pastry.

...“You don’t have to be a type-A personality with lots of charisma,” to succeed as an entrepreneur, saysCorina Tudose, MBA’13. “You just can’t be shy.”

...In winning the prize, MBA studentsMohammed Ashour, MSc’11,Shobhita Soor, BSc’10,Jesse Pearlstein, Zev Thompson, and Gabe Mottbeat out 11,000 teams and accepted the award from former U.S. president Bill Clinton.

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