
Institutions & Entrepreneurship 2023 Conference: Call for Papers

Wednesday, October 19, 2022toSaturday, June 10, 2023

Institutions & Entrepreneurship
2023 Conference

SC Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University

Call for papers for the 3rd Institutions & Entrepreneurship Conference and PhD Workshop
June 8‐10, 2023, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Desautels Faculty of Management of and the Johnson Graduate School of Management ofCornell University are pleased to announce the upcoming conference on Institutions and Entrepreneurship, tobe held in Montreal, June 8 to 10, 2023.

Similar to the successful Institutions and Entrepreneurship Conferences of 2007 and 2008, the 2023 conferencewill bring together scholars who take an institutional approach to the study of entrepreneurship andentrepreneurial processes, broadly defined.

Institutions – the regulative, normative, and cognitive pillars of society – serve as both constraints and enablersof entrepreneurial action. Institutions are tied to time and place, and while relatively stable are subject to change,sometimes gradually and sometimes more abruptly. Entrepreneurship, or the construction of new organizations,organizational forms, and markets both affects and is affected by institutions. We are interested in papers thatspeak to this relationship: How do institutions affect entrepreneurship, and how does entrepreneurship affectinstitutions? Our preference is for empirical papers.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • How do changes in regulatory, normative, or cognitive institutions create opportunities for entrepreneurship?
  • In what ways can social movements be generative of entrepreneurship? Do social movement actorsengage in entrepreneurship to further their cause?
  • How do entrepreneurs build institutional structures, such as regulatory and quasi-regulatory regimes,that promote new organizations and markets?
  • How do entrepreneurs draw on institutional logics to legitimate novel organizational forms? Whatentrepreneurial opportunities exist in spheres characterized by conflicting logics?
  • How do entrepreneurs deploy cultural elements in their activities? Can symbolic and ceremonial actionfurther their interests?

We are open to both qualitative and quantitative research designs and to a wide variety of contexts, including:

  • Institutions and entrepreneurship in emerging markets.
  • Institutions and entrepreneurship in the informal economy.
  • Entrepreneurship amongst social groups that are institutionally marginalized.
  • Institutions and entrepreneurship in times of economic and social disruption (political or economic crises, mass immigration, war, famine, natural disasters, etc.).

Conference Details
The conference will be held from Thursday, June 8 to Saturday, June 10, 2023 at the Desautels Faculty of Management,, Montreal, Canada. The main conference will begin with a welcome reception on the evening ofThursday, June 8, and sessions will run from Friday June 9 to 1pm on Saturday June 10. Participants are expected tobe available for this full time period. Approximately 25 papers will be selected for presentation. The conference issponsored by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, the Leland C. and Mary M. Pillsbury Institute for HospitalityEntrepreneurship, the SC Johnson College of Business, the Desautels Faculty Scholar Award, and the DesautelsFaculty of Management.

PhD student Paper Development Workshop
A PhD student Paper Development Workshop will be held in the afternoon of Thursday, June 8. Participants areencouraged to arrive on Wednesday, June 7. If you are a Ph.D. student interested in participating, please make thisclear when submitting your abstract for consideration (We ask that you put “PhD workshop abstract” in thesubject line of your email submission). Subsidies may be available for PhD student accommodation in cases ofneed.


  • Abstract submission (approximately 500 words): January 16, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: February 17, 2023
  • Submission of full paper (maximum 8,000 words): April 28, 2023

Abstract submissions are to be emailed to Yoojin Lee at yoojin.lee [at] mail.mcgill.ca. Use the subject line“Institutions and Entrepreneurship Abstract” in the title of the email.

Any questions can be directed to the conference organizers:

Robert J. David
Professor & Desautels Faculty Scholar
Strategy and Organizations
Desautels Faculty of Management

robert.david [at] mcgill.ca

Wesley D. Sine
Management and Organizations
SC Johnson Graduate School of Management
Cornell University
wds4 [at] cornell.edu

's Desautels Faculty of Management

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