Dobrobyt zależy od stopnia odpowiedzialności rządu przed obywatelami

Published: 25 July 2013

Głosować na prawicę, czy lewicę? To prawie bez znaczenia, gdy wyborcy szybko mogą rozliczyć polityków. Dobrobyt nie zależy od wyniku wyborów, ale od tego, czy funkcjonują mechanizmy egzekwowania...

EMBA -HEC Montréal – Best Quality of Students in Canada

Published: 25 July 2013

According to the Economist’s recent EMBA ranking, the EMBA -HEC Montréal has the best quality of students in Canada, and 4th in the world....

When A Work Environment Is Too Positive

Published: 2 August 2013

One of the biggest growth areas in research in management is the role of emotions at work. When I was working at IBM in the 1980s, if anyone got emotional during a meeting, we’d stop the meeting...

Emergency Directives for Rail: Is It Enough?

Published: 2 August 2013

Professor Vedat Verter analyzes the latest instructions from Transport Canada. Watch full interview: CTV News, July 30, 2013

Talking Management with Karl Moore: Like People, Organizations Have Emotional Ups and Downs

Published: 2 August 2013

Professor Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at speaks to Neal Ashkanasy, a professor from Australia’s University of Queensland....

Passing of John Dobson

Published: 2 August 2013

It is with profound sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of John Dobson (BCom'49) at The Montreal General Hospital.


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