Electric vehicle (EV) sharing programs rely on publicly available charging infrastructure. Yet often there simply isn’t enough infrastructure to go around, creating a major barrier to success. In...
Authors: Sanjith Gopalakrishnan, D. Granot, F. Granot, G. Sošić, and H. Cui
Publication: Management Science, Volume 67, Issue 7, July 2021, Pages 4172-4190
Social inequalities are responsible for the loss of millions of ideas and inventions over hundreds of years. This loss over time is measurable today in a decline in innovation, slowing economic...
In a new study published in Science, Professor John-Paul Ferguson underscores the necessity of identifying and supporting woman-owned patents and innovations, particularly in the biomedical and...
Congestion pricing policies, carpool lanes, and new light rail train or subway infrastructure are all expensive, long-term ways for governments to battle traffic. A simpler solution, focused on...