
Alain Pinsonneault

Professor, Information Systems; Academic Director, EMBA
Academic title(s): 

Distinguished James ș«čúÂăÎè Professor

IMASCO Chair in Information Systems

Fellow Royal Society of Canada

Fellow of the Association for Information Systems

Chevalier, Ordre National du Québec

Alain Pinsonneault
Contact Information
Email address: 
alain.pinsonneault [at] mcgill.ca
Alternate email address: 
lijuan.xue2 [at] mcgill.ca

Bronfman Building [Map]
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Administration, University of California, Irvine, USA
MSc, Administrative Sciences, HEC Montreal, Canada
BCom, Concordia University, Canada

Information Systems

Dr. Pinsonneault, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the AIS, is the Imasco Chair of Information Systems and Distinguished James ș«čúÂăÎè Professor in the Desautels Faculty of Management at ș«čúÂăÎè. In 2016, he was inducted in 'Ordre National du QuĂ©bec' in recognition for his international contributions to research on information technology and digital economy. He is also the co-founder and co-director of the ș«čúÂăÎè HEC EMBA since 2005

The research of Dr. Pinsonneault focuses on the management of information technologies and their impacts on the performance of organizations, groups, and individuals in different sectors including banking, manufacturing, and health. His current work focuses on ERP implementation, user reactions to new information technologies, social networks, and e-health.

He has published over 100 papers in journals, refereed proceedings, and as book chapters. Dr. Pinsonneault and given more than 95 conferences worldwide, many of which as a keynote or distinguished speaker. His work has been published in top journals such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, and Organization Science. He is regularly ranked among the top scholars in his field. He has been a member of editorial boards of several journals and international conferences, including MISQ Quarterly, ISR, Organization Science, and ICIS. In 2007, he was the co-chair of the International Conference on Information Systems. He has held honorary positions in different universities, including Queen’s University, McMaster University, and the University of Hawaii. He has won numerous research awards, including 7 best paper awards, two University of California Regents Awards, and the ICIT & MCI Communications doctoral dissertation award. His research and teaching have been recognized with different honors, including being named the Person of the Week by La Presse, the Prix RelĂšve de l’excellence of HEC, and the GaĂ«tan Morin Award. 

Curriculum vitae: 
Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Business Value of IT
ERP Implementation
Social Networks
Strategic Alignment of IT
User Adaptation
Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Xiaowei, L., Qu, W. and Pinsonneault, A., “The Impacts of the Industry Environment on Software Insourcing, Outsourcing, and Buying,’ Industrial Management & Data Systems, Forthcoming.

Lee, K., Han, K., Animesh, A., and Pinsonneault, A., “Does IT Matter to Acquisition? The Impacts of IT Distance on Post-Acquisition Performance,” MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.

Khern-am-nuai, W, Hashim, M. and Pinsonneault, A., “Augmenting Password Strength Meeter Design using the Elaboration Likelihood Model: Evidence from Randomized Experiments,” Information Systems Research, Forthcoming.

Vaast, E. and Pinsonneault, A., “Dealing with the Social Media Polycontextuality of Work,” Information Systems Research, Forthcoming.

Pinsonneault, A., Choi, I., ‘Digital-Strategic Agility: It’ Time we Examine the Sensing of Weak Signals’ European Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming.

Negoita, B., Rahrovani, Y., Lapointe, L, and Pinsonneault, A.. “Distributed IT Championing: A Process Theory,” Journal of Information Technology, Forthcoming.

Khern-am-nuai, W., Yu, Y. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘ When Paying for Reviews Pays Off: The Case of Performance-Contingent Monetary Rewards,’ MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming

Nevo, S., Nevo, D., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Personal Achievement Goals, Learning Strategies, and Perceived IT Affordances’ Information Systems Research, 32 (4), 2021, pp1298-1322.

Choi, I., Chung, S., Han, K., and Pinsonneault, A., “CEO Risk-Taking Incentives and IT Innovation: The Moderating Role of a CEO’s IT-Related Human Capital,” MIS Quarterly, 45 (4), 2021, pp. 2175-2192.

Vaast, E. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘When Digital Technologies Enable and Threaten Occupational Identity: The Delicate Balancing Act of Data Scientists’, MIS Quarterly, 45 (3), 2021, pp. 1087-1112.

Nazir, S., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Relating Agility and Electronic Integration: The Role of Knowledge and Process Coordination Mechanisms,’, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30 (2), 2021, pp. 1-22.

Rahrovani, Y., and Pinsonneault, A. ‘Innovative IT Use and Innovating with IT: A study of the Motivational Antecedents of Two Different Types of Innovative Behaviors’ Journal of the AIS, 21(4), 2020, pp. 936-970.

Nevo, S, Nevo, D., Pinsonneault, A., ‘Exploring the Role of IT in the Front-End of Innovation: An Empirical Study of IT-Enabled Creative Behavior,” Information and Organization, 30 (4), 2020.

Addas, S., Browman, K., Dixon, J., and Pinsonneault, A.’A Longitudinal Study of a Feedback Ecosystem for Telemonitoring Patients with Chronic Disease’ MIS Quarterly, 44 (1b), 2020, pp. 421-450.

Chung, S., Animesh, A., Han, K., and Pinsonneault, A., “Financial Returns to Firms’ Communication Actions on Firm-Initiated Social Media: Evidence from Facebook Business Pages’,” Information Systems Research, 31 (1), 2020, pp. 258-285.

Chung, S., Animesh, A., Han, K., and Pinsonneault, A., “Software Patents and Firm Value: A Real Options Perspective on the Role of Innovation Orientation and Environmental Uncertainty,” Information Systems Research, 30 (3), 2019, 1073-1097.

Huang, K.Y., Chengalur-Smith, S., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘"Sharing is Caring: Social Support Provision and Companionship Activities in Healthcare Virtual Support Communities", MIS Quarterly, 43 (2), 2019, pp. 395-423.

Rahrovani, Y., Pinsonneault, A., and Austin, R., ‘If you Cut Employees Some Slack, Will they Innovate?’ Sloan Management Review, 59 (4), 2018, pp. 47-51.

Addas, S., Pinsonneault, A., and Kane, J. C., ‘Converting Email from a Drain into a Gain,’ Sloan Management Review, 59 (4), 2018, pp. 15-18.

Addas, S. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Theorizing the Multilevel Effects of Interruptions and the Role of Communication Technology,’ Journal of the AIS, 19 (11), 2018, pp.1097-1129.

Liang, H., Xue, Y., Pinsonneault, A., and Wu, A., “What Users Do Besides Problem-Focused Coping in the IT Security Context: An Emotion-Focused Coping Perspective,” MIS Quarterly, 43 (2) 2019, pp. 373-394.

Addas, S. and Pinsonneault, A., “Email Interruptions and Individual Performance: Is There a Silver Lining?” MIS Quarterly, 42 (2), 2018, pp. 381-405.

Pinsonneault, A., Addas, S., Qian, C. Dakshinamoorthy, V., and Tamblyn, R., ‘Integrated Health Information Technology and the Quality of Patient Care: A Natural Experiment’, Journal of MIS, (34:2), 2017, pp. 457-486.

MacCrory, F., V. Choudhary, and A. Pinsonneault, ‘Designing Promotion Ladders to Mitigate Turnover of IT Professionals,’ Information Systems Research, 27 (3), 2016, pp. 648-660.

Nevo, S., Nevo, D. and Pinsonneault, A., “A Temporally-Situated Self Agency Theory of IT Reinvention”, MIS Quarterly, 40 (1), 2016, pp. 57-86.

Oh, H., Animesh, A., and Pinsonneault, A., “Free versus For a Fee: The Impact of Information Goods Pricing Strategy on the Pattern and Effectiveness of Word-of-Mouth via Social Media”, MIS Quarterly, 40 (1), 2016, pp.31-56.

Jha, S., Pinsonneault, A., and DubĂ©, L., “The Evolution of an ICT Platform-enabled Ecosystem for Poverty Alleviation: The Case of eKutir”, MIS Quarterly, 40 (2), 2016, pp. 431-445.

Addas, S. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘IT Capabilities and NPD Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Team Knowledge Processes,Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 14 (1), 2016, pp. 76-95.

Qu, W.G., Pinsonneault, A., Tomiuk, D., Wang, S. and Liu,Y., “The Impact of Social Trust on Open and Closed B2B E-commerce: A Europe-Based Study,” Information and Management, 52, 2015, pp. 151-159.

Rahrovani, Y., Addas, S. and Pinsonneault, A., “Exploring the Long Shadow of IT Innovation Adoption Decision on IT Value” accepted for publication, Systùmes d’Information et Management, 19 (4), 2014.

Rahrovani, Y, Chan, Y., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Determinants of IS Planning Comprehensiveness,’ Communications of the AIS, 34 (59), 2014, pp. 1133-1155.

Rahrovani, Y., Kermanshah, A., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Aligning IT for Future Business Value: Conceptualizing IT Project portfolio Alignment, Data Base, 45 (3), 2014, pp. 30-53.

Akhlaghpour, S., Wu, J., Lapointe, L. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘The Ongoing Quest for the IT Artifact: Looking Back, Moving Forward,’ Journal of Information Technology, 28, 2013, pp. 150-166.

Caya, O., Mortensen, M., and Pinsonneault, A., “Virtual Teams Demystified: An Integrative Model for Understanding Virtual Teams”, International Journal of Electronic Collaboration, 9 (2), 2013, pp. 1-33. (Best paper of the year award).

Pozzebon, M., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘The Dynamics of Client-Consultant Relationships: Exploring the Interplay of Power and Knowledge,’ Journal of Information Technology, (27), 2012, pp. 35-56.

Rivard, S., Pinsonneault, A., Croteau, A.M., ‘IT at Cirque du Soleil: Looking Back, Moving Forward’ International Journal of Case Studies in Management, 10 (4), 2012, pp. 1-13.

Yang, S.B., Lim, J.H., Animesh, A., Oh, W., and Pinsonneault, A., “Using Real Options to Investigate the market Value of Virtual World Businesses,’ Information Systems Research, 23 (3) 2012, pp. 1011- 1029.

Nazir, S. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘IT and Firm Agility: An Electronic Integration Perspective,’ Journal of the AIS, 13 (3), 2012, pp. 150-171.

Han, K., Oh, W., Im, K., Chang, R., Oh H., and Pinsonneault, A., “Value Co-Creation and Wealth Spillover in Open Innovation Alliances, ” MIS Quarterly, 36 (1), 2012, pp. 291-316.

Tallon, P., and Pinsonneault, A. “Competing Perspective on the Link Between Strategic IT Alignment and Firm Agility: Insights from a Mediation Model,” MIS Quarterly, 35 (2), 2011, pp. 463-486.

Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A., Yang, S.B., and Oh, W., “An Odyssey into Virtual Worlds: Exploring the Impacts of Technological and Spatial Environments on Intention to Purchase Virtual Products,” MIS Quarterly, 35 (3), 2011, pp. 789-810.

Qu, W.G. and Pinsonneault, A."Country Environments and the Adoption of IT Outsourcing,” Journal of Global Information Management, 19 (1), 2011. pp. 30-50.

Qu, W.G., Pinsonneault, A., and Oh, W. "Influence of Industry Characteristics on Information Technology Outsourcing," Journal of Management Information Systems, 27 (4), 2011, pp. 99-127.

Beaudry, A. and A. Pinsonneault, “The Other Side of Acceptance: A Study of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Emotions on IT Use,” MIS Quarterly, 34 (4), 2010, pp. 689-710.

Pinsonneault, A., Li, S., and Tomiuk, D. “Effect of Web Channel Richness and Web Information Richness on Satisfaction and Learning: A Study of Simple and Complex Products,” Systùmes d’Information et Management, 15 (4), 2010, pp. 141-169

Chang, R.M., Oh. W., Pinsonneault, A., and Kwon, D., “A Network Perspective on Digital Competition in Online Advertising Industries: A Simulation Based Approach,” Information Systems Research, 21 (3), 2010, pp. 571-593.

Qu, W.G., Oh, W., A. Pinsonneault, “The Strategic Value of IT Insourcing: An IT-Enabled Business Process Perspective,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, (19), 2010, pp. 96-108.

Tamblyn, R., Reidel, K. L., Huang, A., Taylor, L., Winslade, N., Bartlett, G., Grad, R., Jacques, A., Dawes, M. Larochelle, P., and Pinsonneault, A., Increasing the Detection of Response to Adherence Problems with Cardiovascular Medication in primary Care through Computerized Drug Management Systems,” Medical Decision Making, 30 (2), 2010, pp. 176-188.

Tomiuk, D. and Pinsonneault, A., ““Using Relationship Theories for Web Site Design: Development of a Site-Communality Scale and Proposed Impact on Loyalty” Information Systems Journal, 19 (4), 2009, pp. 413-435.

Tamblyn, R., A. Huang, L. Taylor, Y. Kawasumi, G. Bartlett, R. Grad, A. Jacque, M. Dawes, M. Abrahamowicz, R. Perreault, N. Winslade, L. Poissant, and Pinsonneault, A., “A Randomized Trial of the Effectiveness of Drug Decision-Support in Primary Care using On-Demand vs. Computer-triggered Drug Decision Support in Primary Care” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 15 (4), 2008, pp.430-438.

Oh, W. and Pinsonneault, A., “On the Assessment of the Business Value of Information Systems: Conceptual and Measurement Alternatives” MIS Quarterly, 31 (2), 2007, pp. 239-266.

Pozzebon, M., R. Titah, and Pinsonneault, A., “Combining Social Shaping of Technology and Communicative Action Theory for Understanding Rhetorical Closure in IT,” Information Technology and People, 19 (3), 2006, pp. 244.271 (Best paper award).

Pinsonneault, A. and Caya, O., “Virtual Teams: What We Know and What We Don’t Know,” International Journal of Electronic Collaboration, 1 (3), 2005, pp.1-16.

Tamblyn, R, A, Huang, Y. Kawasumi, G. Bartlett, R. Grad, A. Jacques, M. Dawes, M. Abrahamowicz, R. Perreault, L. Taylor, N. Winsdale, L. Poissant, A. Pinsonneault, “The Development and Evaluation of an Integrated Electronic Prescribing Drug Management Systems for Primary Care,” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 13 (2), 2006, pp.148-159

Pozzebon, M. and Pinsonneault, A., “Challenges in Conducting Empirical Work Using Structuration Theory: Learning from IT Research,” Organization Studies, 26 (9), 2005, pp. 1353-1376.

Barki, H., Oktami, S., and Pinsonneault, A. “Dimensions of ERP Implementations and Their Impact on ERP Project Outcomes”, Journal of Information Technology Management, 16 (1), 2005, pp. 1-9.

Dennis, A., A. Pinsonneault, K. McNamara Hilmer, H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe, M. Huber, and Bellavance, F., “Patterns in Electronic Brainstorming,” International Journal of Electronic Collaboration, October- December, 1(4), 2005, pp.38-57.

Pozzebon, M. and Pinsonneault, A., Global-Local Negotiations for Implementing Configurable Packages: The Power of Initial Organizational Decisions, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 14 (2), 2005, pp. 121-145.

Barki, H. and Pinsonneault, A., “The Construct of Organizational Integration: A Research Framework and Its Application to Enterprise Systems Research,” Organization Science, 16 (2), 2005, pp. 165- 179.

Beaudry, A., and Pinsonneault, A., “Understanding User Adaptation Behaviors: A Coping Acts Model,” MIS Quarterly, 29 (3), 2005, pp. 493-524.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "Exploring the Role of Information Technology in Organizational Downsizing: A Tale of Two American Cities," Organization Science, 13 (2), 2002, 191-208.

Tomiuk, D., and Pinsonneault, A., “Electronic Banking and Customer Loyalty: A Conceptual Framework,” Journal of Global Information Systems, 9 (3), 2001, pp. 4-14.

Barki, H., and Pinsonneault, A., “Small Group Brainstorming and Idea Quality: Is Electronic Brainstorming the Most Effective Approach?” Small Group Research, 32 (2), April 2001, 158-205.

Pinsonneault, A., “Le Projet Harmonie: Une Analyse de Quelques Facteurs ClĂ©s de SuccĂšs,” Revue Gestion, 25 (4), Winter 2001, pp. 65-67.

Pinsonneault, A., H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe, and Hoppen, N., "Electronic Brainstorming: The Illusion of Productivity," Information Systems Research, 10 (2), 1999, pp. 110-133.

Pinsonneault, A., H. Barki, R.B. Gallupe, and Hoppen, N., “The Illusion of Electronic Brainstorming: Theoretical and Empirical Issues,” Information Systems Research, 10 (4), 1999, research note, pp. 378-380.

Rivard, S., A. Pinsonneault, and Bernier, C., “Les impacts des technologies de l’information sur les gestionnaires et les organisations,” Revue Gestion, 24 (3), 1999, pp. 51-65.

Pinsonneault, A., and Rivard, S., "Information Technology and the Nature of Managerial Work: From the Productivity Paradox to the Icarus Paradox?" MIS Quarterly, 22 (3), 1998, pp. 287-311.

Pinsonneault, A., and Heppel, N., "Anonymity in GSS Research: New Conceptualization, Measure and Contingency Framework," Journal of MIS, 14 (3), Winter 1998, pp. 89-108.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "Middle Management Downsizing: The Impact of Information Technology,” Management Science, 43 (5), 1997, pp. 659-679.

Pinsonneault, A., and Boisvert, M., "Le tĂ©lĂ©travail: L’émergence de l’organisation de demain ?” Revue Gestion, 21 (2), 1996, pp. 76-83.

Bernier, C., A. Pinsonneault, S. Rivard, and Blouin, H., "La réingénierie: un processus à gérer," Revue Gestion, 20 (2), 1995, pp. 44-55.

Pinsonneault, A., "Les réunions électroniques: enfin des réunions efficaces?" Revue Gestion, 18 (4), 1993, pp. 15-21.

Pinsonneault, A., S. Rivard, and Bourret, A., "L'impact des technologies de l'information sur le travail des cadres intermĂ©diaires,” Technologie de l'information et sociĂ©tĂ©, 5 (3), 1993, pp. 301-328.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "The Impact of Information Technology on Middle Managers," MIS Quarterly, 17 (3), 1993, pp. 271-292.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "The Survey Research Strategy in Studies of Information Systems: Review and Critique," Journal of MIS, 10 (2), 1993, pp. 75-106.

Pinsonneault, A., "Les technologies de l’information: les cadres intermĂ©diaires sont-ils une espĂšce en voie de disparition?" Revue Gestion, 17 (4), 1992, pp. 15-22.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "The Effects of Electronic Meetings on Group Processes and Outcomes: An Assessment of the Empirical Research," European Journal of Operational Research, (46), 1990, pp. 143-161.

Pinsonneault, A., and Kraemer, K.L., "The Impact of Technological Support on Groups: An Assessment of the Empirical Research,” Decision Support Systems, (5), 1989, pp. 197-216.


Haag, S., Cummings, M., McGubbrey, D.J., Pinsonneault, A., and Donovan, R., “Management Information Systems for the Information Age, McGraw Hill, 3rd Canadian Edition, 2006.

Chapters in Books

Rahrovani, Y. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Explaining the Business Value of Information Technology: The Theory of IT Slack,’ in Information Systems Theory: Explaining and Predicting Our Digital Society, Dwivedi, Y.,

Wade, M., and Schneberger, S.L. (Eds), Springer Publishing, 2012, pp.165-198.

Pozzebon, M. and Pinsonneault, A., “Demistificando a Retorica De Nao-Abertura A Mundanca” Que Caracteriza Os Prjetos ERP: Quadro Teorico E Ilustracao Empirica,” Sistemas ERP No Brasil, Editora Atlas, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2003, pp. 348-368.

Tomiuk, D., and Pinsonneault, A., “The Nature of E-Loyalty in B2C E-Commerce,” in Advanced Topics in Global Information Management, Felix Tan (Ed.), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2002, pp. 346-369.

Pinsonneault, A., and Boisvert, M., “The Impacts of Telecommuting on Employees and Organizations: An Assessment of the Empirical Evidence,” in Telecommuting and Virtual Offices: Issues and Opportunities, Nancy Johnson (Ed.), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2001, pp. 163-185.

Pinsonneault, A., "Les promesses des technologies de l’information: Mythes et rĂ©alitĂ©," in T. Hafsi and J.M. Toulouse (Ed.), La StratĂ©gie des Organisations, Les presses de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, 1996, pp. 531-536.

Kraemer, K.L., and Pinsonneault, A., "Technology and Groups: Assessment of the Empirical Research,” in J. Galagher, R. E. Kraut, and C. Egido (Eds.), Intellectual Teamwork: The Social and Technological Bases of Cooperative Work, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990, pp. 373-404.

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


2013, Oh, H., Animesh, A., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Free vs. For a Fee: The Impact of Information Pricing Strategy on Word-of-Mouth via Social Media’ ICIS Conference proceedings, (Best Paper Award).

2013: Caya, O., Mortensen, M. and Pinsonneault, A., “Virtual Teams Demystified: An Integrative Model for Understanding Virtual Teams”, International Journal of Electronic Collaboration, 9 (2). (Best Paper of the Year Award).

2013: Oh, H., Animesh, A., and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Free vs. For a Fee: The Impact of Information Pricing Strategy on Word-of-Mouth via Social Media’ ICIS Conference proceedings, December, (Best paper award). 

2012: Pinsonneault, A., Dakshinamoorthy, V., Reidel, K., and Tamblyn, R., 'The Impact of IT on Quality of Care: Evaluation of an integrated chronic disease management system', Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, (Best paper award).

2010: Addas, S. and Pinsonneault, A. “Information Technology Interruptions in Project Environments: A Preliminary Taxonomy and Performance Investigation,” Human Computer Interface Workshop, ICIS, St- Louis. (Best paper award).

2008: Caya, O., Bassellier, G., and Pinsonneault, A., “Virtual Team Common Knowledge: Construct Specification and Effect on Knowledge Integration,” Best paper, CD-Rom proceedings, International Conference on Information Systems.

2008: Nazir, S. and Pinsonneault, A., ‘Electronic Integration and Agility: A conceptual Framework,’ Best Paper, AMCIS Conference, Toronto.

2007: Pozzebon, M. and Pinsonneault, A., "Combining Social Shaping of Technology and Communicative Action Theory for Understanding Rhetorical Closure in IT", Best Paper Award, Emerald Literati  Network Publications.

2007: Pozzebon, M. and Pinsonneault, A., "Combining Social Shaping of Technology and Communicative Action Theory for Understanding Rhetorical Closure in IT", Best Five Published Papers Award, Senior Scholars, ICIS.

2006: Tomiuk, D. and Pinsonneault, A. “Using Relationship Theories for Web Site Design: Development of a Site-Communality Scale and Proposed Impact on Loyalty,” AMCIS Conference Best Paper, Acapulco.

1997: CD-ROM SNI Award, HEC, Montréal.

1995: Gaëtan Morin Research Award, HEC-Montreal.

1993: "Le Prix relÚve de l'excellence," section Organismes publics et para-publics, Association des diplÎmés, HECMontréal.

1993: "Le grand prix du jury," Association des diplÎmés, HEC-Montréal.

1991: "Person of the Week," La Presse Newspaper, Montréal.

1990: Best Dissertation Award, International Center for Information Technologies (ICIT) and MCI Communications, Washington, DC, USA.

1989: University of California Regents Best Dissertation Award, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine.

1988: University of California Regents Best Student Research Paper Award, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine.


2014: Fellow of the AIS

2010: Fellow, Royal Society of Canada.


2015-2019: Pinsonneault, A., Animesh, A., Barki, H., Bassellier, G., Beaudry, A., Han, K., and Lapointe, L., Winning with IT in a Digital Economy, Fonds de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture du Québec, $313,280.  

2011-2014: Pinsonneault, A., Information Technology and Managerial Peripheral Vision: A Social Network Analysis, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

2011-2015: Pinsonneault, A., Barki, H., Bassellier, G., Beaudry, A., Lapointe, L., and Oh, W., Managing Four Implementation Challenge to Maximize the Value of Information Technologies: A Slack Resources Approach, Fonds de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture du Québec.

2009-2014: Verter, V, Putman, M.L., Carter, M.W., Michalowski, W., Gendron, B., Gendreau, M., Blostein, S.D., and Pinsonneault, A., “Collaborative Research and Training Experience,” NSERC.

2009-2012: Animesh, A. and Pinsonneault, A., “The impact of Online Sponsored Search Advertising on Consumer and Seller Strategies,” Social Science Research Council of Canada.

2009-2012: Beaudry, A., Lapointe, L., Pinsonneault, A., and Rivard, S., “Moving Beyond Acceptance and Resistance: Developing a Repertoire and New Process Theory of User Reactions to IT, Social Science Research Council of Canada.

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