
History Corner: Celebrating 100 Years of the Department of Medicine

Did you know that in Canada, the fight for equity in medicine began in earnest a century ago? In 1924, with the founding of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada (five years before women were legally  under Canadian law), Dr. Maude Abbott, the Federation’s founding president, rallied her colleagues to press for change. At that time, medical schools were still reluctant to accept women. Of the approximately 8,000 doctors in Canada, only 187 (2 percent) were women, with many trained abroad in the U.S. or Europe. We have come a long way but don’t yet have gender equity at the top of the professorial ranks and leadership positions.

This Fall, we’re celebrating a century of achievements in the DOM by highlighting significant events, influential figures and landmark publications in our newsletter as well as at MGRs on November 26, 2024. Sharpen your pencils—a quiz awaits! The highest scorer will be honored with the DOM @100 Historian Award.

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