
Observatoire sur les mauvais traitements envers les enfants

CRCF Members in this Project: Delphine Collin-Vézina & Nico Trocmé
Principal Investigator: Sonia Hélie
Co-Investigators: N. Trocmé, D. Collin-Vézina
Funding Source: Royal Bank of Canada
Period: 2009-2011

The Observatoire includes administrative data from public registries and populational studies. Currently, the data comes from 1) the youth protection system, 2) the Coroner‟s office, 3) the police and justice systems and 4) the health care system. This combination of data and their comparison allow for a more complete and better understanding of child maltreatment. It also allows for a more complete understanding of its distribution across time and space, independent of the social lens (or system) through which it is studied. This past year has focused on redeveloping the Observatoire and establishing partnerships with supporting organizations such as the CRCF‟s RBC data laboratory.
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