Introduction to Mediation and Moderation Analysis
Dates: November 17Â and November 18, 2016
Time: 9:30am to 3:30pm
Instructor: Biru Zhou, Ph.D.
This two-day workshop will focus on two closely related and often confused topics in statistical analysis { Moderation and Mediation. Moderation occurs when the strength of the relationship between X and Y is dependent on the level of a moderator, whereas mediation occurs when the relationship between X and Y is being explained or influenced through a mediator. In this workshop, you will learn about the basic concepts of moderation and mediation, and the use of a computational tool - "PROCESS" in SPSS
to analyze simple moderation and mediation models.
- This workshop will be divided into four parts:
- Review basic knowledge of OLS regression
- Introduction to Mediation and partitioning effects into direct and indirect effects
- Doing analysis with a dichotomous independent variable (e.g., gender, or high versus low risk groups)
Because this is a hands-on workshop, participants are strongly encouraged to bring their laptops and install the latest version of SPSS (version 19 or later). Some working knowledge of infuential statistics, SPSS data management, and OLS regression is needed for this workshop, but I will give a brief review at the beginning. Attendees are also encouraged to bring their own data to the second day of the workshop for individual consultations.
For more information, please contact biru.zhou[at]