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Catalogue des cours


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MGPO 450 Ethics in Management. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019
An examination of the economic, legal and ethical responsibilities of managers in both private and public organizations. Through readings, case studies, discussions and projects the class evaluates alternative ethical systems and norms of behaviour and draws conclusions as to the right, proper and just decisions and actions in the face of moral dilemmas. The focus of this course is on the decision process, values and consistency of values of the individual and on the impact of systems control and incentives on managerial morality.
ORGB 380 Cross Cultural Management. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Automne 2019, Hiver 2020, Printemps/Été 2020
Addresses dilemmas and opportunities that managers experience in international, multicultural environments. Development of conceptual knowledge and behavioural skills (e.g. bridging skills, communication, tolerance of ambiguity, cognitive complexity) relevant to the interaction of different cultures in business and organizational settings, using several methods including research, case studies and experiential learning.
ORGB 420 Managing Organizational Teams. (3 credits)
Automne 2019
Theory, research, and applications. Principles of team processes and effectiveness in organizational settings, specifically the theoretical developments and empirical findings of group dynamics and team effectiveness, and practical strategies and skills for successful management of organizational teams.
ORGB 421 Managing Organizational Change. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Organizational change theory and techniques are examined with an emphasis on techno-structural interventions such as Quality-of-Work-Life approaches. Through simulations and case-studies, the course explores initiatives in organizational change, primarily in contemporary Canadian organizations. It also includes opportunities for "hands-on" experience in work and organization redesign.
ORGB 423 Human Resources Management. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Printemps/Été 2019, Automne 2019, Hiver 2020
Issues involved in personnel administration. Topics include: human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, organization development and change, issues in compensation and benefits, and labour-management relations.
ORGB 424 Employment. (3 credits)
Reviews in sequence all aspects of the hiring of employees. Topics covered will include manpower planning, recruiting, selection, placement orientation, retirement and dehiring. Each area will be covered from legal, technical and theoretical perspectives.
ORGB 426 Human Resource Training and Development. (3 credits)
Planning, conceptualization, design, implementation and evaluation of training and career development programs. Review of the major techniques in each area. Training and development approached from a systems point of view.
ORGB 525 Compensation Management. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
Compensation policies and practices, consistent with motivational theories, are examined. Topics include: design and evaluation of job evaluation systems, salary structures, and performance-based pay; compensation of special employee groups; and current pay equity laws. Projects and simulations provide "hands-on" experience in the use of compensation techniques.
TBD HR Risk Assessment and Succession Planning
Live Online, Part-time
In light of demographic changes and changing perceptions about work and organizational loyalty, succession planning is at the forefront of human resource management issues today. Traditional succession planning tends to focus on replacement charts and dealing with the domino effects of internal career management. Promotion systems and employee development measures (mainly geared towards management positions) are often put in place to prepare internal resources to progress within the organization. Where there is no identified suitable succession to managerial positions, staffing actions may be planned to bring in new talent.
TBD Doing Business with China: A Strategic and Operational Approach
In-class, Part-time
Chinese consumers, business partners and investors are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the business world. While the country’s low-cost advantage made it an outsourcing haven a decade ago, foreign companies are now flocking to China in hope of capturing a slice of its growing domestic market. More recently, Chinese companies have begun investing abroad to find new sources of growth. These trends have one important implication for Canadian businesses: dealing with China is no longer the exclusive realm of multinationals. Canadian businesses are, or will have to interact directly with Chinese businesses. This course was designed to help business professionals understand what this new business world order means for their business and what to do to make these interactions a success. The proposed course is designed to provide practical and actionable content for managers or executives who are or expect to interact with Chinese business people.
TBD Materials Science and Aerospace Alloy Fundamentals
In-class, Part-time
Many engineers enter a job in the aerospace industry with only an introductory materials science & engineering course, yet are expected to understand all the materials used in their day-to-day work. This course teaches the basic materials science & engineering concepts necessary to understand the alloy design for all the major classes of alloys in a modern aircraft. Engineers seeking employment in aerospace or those already in the industry will both benefit from taking this course.
TBD Sustainable Development in Engineering Projects
In-class, Part-time
In most organizations, adherence to the principles of sustainable development has become a top priority. However, the processes involved in applying these principles are still not clearly understood by many engineers and project managers in a range of fields and disciplines. Most recently, sustainable development has been defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This course will provide engineers with a clear understanding of the principles of sustainable development and a task-related demonstration of how to integrate these principles into the planning and design of engineering projects.
TBD Introduction to On-ground and In-Flight Aircraft Icing
In-class, Part-time
The areas of on-ground and in-flight icing are intimately related, with the second taking over from the first as soon as the airplane takes off. While safe operation for on-ground icing is the responsibility of the airline, guaranteeing safety for flying into known icing is, for the most part, the responsibility of the aircraft manufacturer. While the airline can make timely decisions based on weather conditions, the manufacturer must ensure that the aircraft is safe in all conditions any operator is legally allowed to dispatch it in. This is a much higher responsibility that must be guaranteed from the start and that cannot benefit from adjustments or timely decision-making processes; lending credence to the adage: “Take-off may be optional; landing, however, is a must”. The aim of this course is to familiarize participants with both aspects of on-ground and inflight icing, and how they are intimately linked.
TBD Finance Fundamentals: Investment Decisions & Returns
There is a corporate financial aspect to almost every decision made by a business. Marketing managers, corporate strategists, HR & IT managers all make corporate finance decisions every day and often don’t realize it. Understanding corporate finance fundamentals will help them make better decisions. This practical intensive 2-day course will provide an overview of key corporate finance concepts and will equip participants with practical knowledge and tools to make their own financial decisions with skill and confidence.
TBD Airport Law for Managers
The issues airport managers have to confront in their day to day activities are becoming increasingly complex, given the demands on airports to provide services that respond to unexpected events and circumstances. Some examples are the snowstorms of 2010 and the closure of airspace due to natural disasters. This course will provide airport managers with a sound knowledge of executive liability that is grounded on the principles of civil and criminal law as well as the legal and regulatory regime pertaining to aerodromes.
YCBS 001 Introduction to Ethics (14 CEUs)
This course introduces and explores ethical concepts, theories and practices in the field of business. Topics include: corporate conduct, social responsibility, policies, and strategies. Emphasis is on the definition, application, and analysis of values.
YCBS 009 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (14 CEUs)
This course will provide an examination of the fundamental concepts of technological entrepreneurship including prototyping, proof of concept, market segmentation, commercial collaboration and preparing to sell technology as well as corporate structure and growth. Basic management and soft skills will also be discussed. In house registration through data importing.
YCBS 100 Residential Property Finance and Accounting / Finance et comptabilité des propriétés résidentielles (5 CEUs)
This course focuses on the knowledge and skills required to successfully manage all financial and accounting aspects of residential properties and condominiums in order to ensure their sustainability. Topics covered include budgeting, preparation of financial statements, negotiation with suppliers, collection, financing of a contingency and self-insurance fund, cash-flow planning, preparation for audit, taxation and investments.

Ce cours permet d’acquérir les connaissances et compétences pour gérer les fonds nécessaires à la gestion d’un immeuble résidentiel et d’une copropriété et assurer leur pérennité. Les sujets abordés comprennent la budgétisation, la préparation des états financiers, la négociation avec les fournisseurs, le recouvrement, le financement d'une réserve et d'une caisse d'auto-assurance, la planification de la trésorerie, la préparation de la vérification, la fiscalité et les investissements.
YCBS 101 Gestion financière de la copropriété au Québec (4 CEUs)
Ce cours permet d’acquérir les connaissances nécessaires pour la gestion des aspects financiers d’une copropriété: les responsabilités du gestionnaire en matière de budgétisation, comptabilité, préparation des états financiers, développement du fond de prévoyance, planification du flux de trésorerie, préparation pour la vérification externe et la gestion d’investissements.
YCBS 102 Fondements du droit de l’immobilier et de la copropriété au Québec / Fundamentals of Condominium & Property Law in Quebec (5 CEUs)
Ce cours porte sur les grands principes légaux contenus dans le Code civil du Québec et d’autres sources juridiques encadrant la copropriété et la location d'immeubles résidentiels, de comprendre les différents encadrements, de détailler les obligations minimales des acteurs et d’évaluer les actions possibles lorsque requis.

This course focuses on the main legal principles contained in the Civil Code of Quebec and other legal frameworks governing residential and co-ownership properties. Gain an understanding of the various frameworks and the minimum obligations of all parties and learn how to identify possible actions when required.


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