The parties involved in the Second Precompetitive Research Network of the Consortium RITA, held in collaboration with the Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ), met on May 16, 2022 at Château Vaudreuil to conclude research activities. The research teams, which included researchers, students and professionals from ten Quebec institutions, shared their results in the form of presentations and posters popularizing the numerous projects. The numerous industrial and government partners were able to observe and understand the conclusions proposed as part of the thirteen research activities in which they have been involved since 2019.
![Réseau 2 Picture collage of participants.](/consortium-rita/files/consortium-rita/photo_collage_rita_2_final_workshop_1.png)
The event was a great success thanks to all the actors present, whose fruitful exchanges have already enabled the establishment of new collaboration opportunities.
Thank you to all participants!