
Friday, August 15, 2025 15:00

Deadline for incoming Law undergraduate exchange applications from partners with a Winter term (January) start.

Classified as: LW(Law), study abroad, winter
Friday, June 6, 2025 09:00toTuesday, September 9, 2025

Registration period for incoming Exchange students in all faculties except Faculty of Law and Continuing Studies with a Fall term (September 2025) start (Fall only or full year exchanges).

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), HN (Human Nutrition), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), Registration, RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), study abroad, SW (Social Work), winter
Monday, September 15, 2025

Deadline for incoming Law undergraduate exchange applications from partners with a Winter term (January) start.

NOTE: No January admission in the Schulich School of Music.

Classified as: LW (Law), study abroad, winter
Tuesday, December 2, 2025 09:00toTuesday, January 13, 2026

Winter term registration period for new students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including Farm Management and Technology), Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), B.A.&Sc., Education, Engineering (including Architecture), Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing and Science. Individual departments in Graduate Studies set their own dates within this period. This includes winter admit Quebec Inter University Transfer and incoming exchange students.

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), Registration, RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), study abroad, SW (Social Work), winter
Thursday, January 15, 2026

Deadline for º«¹úÂãÎè students in the Faculty of Law only to apply for faculty approval to participate in an exchange program during the 2026-2027 academic year.

Classified as: Fall, LW (Law), study abroad, winter
Saturday, August 15, 2026

Deadline for incoming Law undergraduate exchange applications from partners with a Winter term (January) start.

Classified as: LW (Law), study abroad, winter
Friday, June 5, 2026 09:00toTuesday, September 15, 2026

(Tentative Date) Registration period for incoming Exchange students in all faculties except Faculty of Law and Continuing Studies with a Fall term (September 2026) start (Fall only or full year exchanges).

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), HN (Human Nutrition), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), Registration, RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), study abroad, SW (Social Work), winter
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