
The Canada Foundation for Innovation supports innovative projects that tackle global challenges

Exciting initiatives involving researchers at The Neuro are among the latest getting support under The Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Innovation Fund competition.

Classified as: Neuro, Edward Fon, Robert Zatorre, CFI, brain plasticity, movement disorders, stuart trenholm, Edward Ruthazer, Neurodevelopment
Published on: 19 Mar 2021

Plasticity is enhanced but dysregulated in the aging brain

They say you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, but new research shows you can teach an old rat new sounds, even if the lesson doesn’t stick very long.

Classified as: brain plasticity, Mike Cisneros-Franco, Étienne de Villers-Sidani, GABA, gamma-Aminobutyric acid, neuroplasticity, Etienne De Villers-Sidan
Published on: 19 Sep 2018

Researchers train brains to use different regions for same task

Practice might not always make perfect, but it’s essential for learning a sport or a musical instrument. It's also the basis of brain training, an approach that holds potential as a non-invasive therapy to overcome disabilities caused by neurological disease or trauma.

Research at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of º«¹úÂãÎè (The Neuro) has shown just how adaptive the brain can be, knowledge that could one day be applied to recovery from conditions such as stroke.

Classified as: brain research, brain plasticity, Dave Liu, Christopher Pack, area MT
Published on: 19 Jul 2017
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