“A new U.S. airline start-up announced its plans Tuesday to buy 60 Airbus A220-300 aircraft, with deliveries beginning in 2021. (…) Airbus markets and supports the A220 aircraft, which is manufactured under the recently finalized partnership agreement between Airbus, Bombardier & Investment Québec.” ()

Classified as: John Gradek, bombardier, cseries, School of Continuing Studies, aerospace
Published on: 17 Jul 2018

Bombardier Inc. announced it has sold a majority stake in its CSeries passenger jet business to European aerospace giant Airbus for no cost. ()

Classified as: bombardier, Airbus, Karl Moore
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

While high risk, airplane maker’s preferred shares could offer high reward. Bombardier Inc. is teetering on the edge of a financial precipice.

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 18 Dec 2015

Bombardier has warned of another challenging year in 2016 before the transformation it has launched, including cost-cutting efforts and shifts in production to low-cost centres, deliver a financial turnaround by 2020.
Karl Moore, professor at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said Bellemare has demonstrated that he’s assembled a team of seasoned veterans who have developed a credible plan to propel the company forward now that public funding has eliminated worries about its survival.

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

Bombardier has signed a deal that will see the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) invest $1.5 billion US in a newly created company that will hold the company's rail transportation business.
...Karl Moore, an associate professor at , said it's a solid business deal, with more upside than Quebec's investment in Bombardier's CSeries program.

Read full article: , November 19, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 20 Nov 2015

Karl Moore explains why getting a piece of Bombardier’s rail business is a good deal for the Caisse. 

Watch the interview: , November 19, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 20 Nov 2015

Bombardier et le gouvernement du Québec ont créé une société en commandite pour y placer tous les actifs liés à la C Series et le milliard de dollars américains offert par Québec pour mener à bien le projet. Comment ça fonctionne ?
... « Dans ce cas-ci, c’est un véhicule approprié, commente Ken Lester, professeur à la faculté de gestion Desautels de l’Université . Ainsi, le Québec ne va jamais perdre plus du milliard qu’il a investi. »

Classified as: bombardier, Ken Lester
Published on: 3 Nov 2015

Bombardier says a US$1-billion lifeline from the Quebec government will help complete development of the CSeries and restore customer faith in the delayed and costly commercial jet program. 
... Karl Moore, professor at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said the deal doesn’t solve all of Bombardier’s cash flow problems, but does give it “breathing room.”

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 3 Nov 2015

With Bombardier struggling with a multi-billion dollar loss this year, the Quebec government is riding to the rescue.
Management professor Karl Moore agrees that Bombardier is a critical part of Quebec's economy.
"Part of it is that it's a great part of our history. One of Quebec and Canada's few multinationals developed and built around the world," said Moore.

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 2 Nov 2015

Bombardier is reportedly getting a helping hand from the government of Quebec, but Karl Moore, Professor of Business Strategy, says you shouldn't expect any change to the dual-class share structure as a result. “I would say it’s 99 per cent that tomorrow (Thursday) the premier of Quebec will announce support for Bombardier,” said Karl Moore, a professor at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, citing conversations with senior people in both Bombardier and the provincial government.

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 30 Oct 2015

Bombardier Inc.’s founding family now has more of its wealth tied to legacy snowmobile company BRP Inc. than to the global plane and train manufacturer, a curious situation caused by Bombardier’s spectacular stock collapse this year. 

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 30 Oct 2015

Karl Moore, Professor of Business Strategy, discusses the hurdles Bombardier faces and why he says it's inappropriate to compare Bombardier with other Canadian corporate titans that have fallen from grace.

Read full article: , July 24, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 27 Jul 2015

Plusieurs entreprises québécoises ont connu une année mouvementée en 2014; si certaines ont réalisé d'importantes acquisitions, d'autres ont procédé à des suppressions d'emplois massives, se sont départies d'actifs et ont même mis fin à leurs activités.
...«L'entreprise anticipait des millions de dollars en revenus pour la CSeries et ils ont finalement dépensé beaucoup plus que prévu», fait remarquer Karl Moore, professeur associé en stratégie et leadership à l'Université .

Classified as: Karl Moore, bombardier
Published on: 20 Jan 2015

The problem is not that Bombardier Inc. played a complex shell game since at least 2010 by refinancing and redirecting US$500 million of its financing activities to Luxembourg, a notorious tax haven.
...Ken Lester, adjunct professor of finance at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said in an interview that “this is a social thing we have to resolve.”

Classified as: bombardier, Ken Lester
Published on: 22 Dec 2014


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