
Researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at º«¹úÂãÎè and the MUHC, have received a total of over $4.5 M in funding, for innovative projects to accelerate diagnosis and drug discovery for diseases of the brain, including Alzheimer’s.

CQDM, Brain Canada Foundation and the Ontario Brain Institute made the announcement at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience in Vancouver. Six Canadian research teams share a total investment of $ 10 million, through the strategic "Focus on Brain" initiative.

Classified as: neuroscience, blood-brain barrier, Alzheimer's disease, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, mcgill faculty of medicine research, Louis Collins, Jean-Paul Soucy
Published on: 10 Jun 2015

The brain is a privileged organ in the body. So vital to life, the brain is protected from alterations elsewhere in the body by a highly regulated gateway known as the blood-brain barrier, which allows only selected molecules to pass through.

Classified as: brain, Research, Multiple Sclerosis, MS, protein, mice, animal, BBB, blood-brain barrier, sclerosis
Published on: 22 Apr 2015
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