DATE: October 17th 2023 |TIME: 2:00pm (EST) |Location: Macdonald Engineering Building RM: 497

Present byProfessor Søren Husted

Free Hybrid Seminar- Available on zoom

Classified as: Nanotechnology, Sustainability, agriculture, campus crops, microplastics
Published on: 26 Sep 2023

For the third year in a row, the Macdonald Campus Dairy Unit has been awarded the title of Regional Club of ExcellenceMilk Quality Champion by dairy industry giant Agropur.

Accepting the award at a regional meeting on November 25, Natasha Lapointe, Animal Science Coordinator of the DairyUnit, credited her team’s commitment to maintaining high standards.

Classified as: agriculture
Published on: 4 Jan 2023

Tackling climate change and preserving biodiversity a key priority for and Quebec

The Fonds de recherche du Québec its latest rounds of funding earlier this month in support of research, training, and initiatives to tackle major societal challenges—including climate change and biodiversity loss.

Classified as: agricultural practices, agriculture, biodiversity, FRQSC, Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science, Fonds de recherche du Québec – santé (FRQS), Liber Ero Chair in Biodiversity Conservation, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT), polymer
Published on: 30 Jun 2022

In this new policy brief by Brenden McKinney, we learn that the effects of climate change are causing risk management to become an increasingly essential tool to help farmers anticipate and react to weather- related shocks like droughts and floods.

Classified as: farming, agriculture, climate change, Risk management, poverty reduction
Published on: 18 Oct 2021

Phragmite, panais sauvage, herbe à poux, nerprun, renoué du Japon: ce sont toutes des plantes envahissantes, nuisibles à un certain degré, qui prennent de plus en plus de place sur les terres agricoles et parfois même dans nos forêts. Plusieurs sont inconnues de la population générale, mais causent de sérieux maux de tête aux agriculteurs.

Parmi celles-ci, la plus problématique semble être le phragmite, aussi appelé « roseau commun ». On le qualifie parfois de « véritable menace à la biodiversité des lieux humides ».

Classified as: agriculture, weeds, plantes nuisibles
Published on: 3 Aug 2020

The glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup has been found to trigger the loss of biodiversity among phytoplankton communities in freshwater ponds. In their experiments, scientists found that while some populations developed resistance to the herbicide and were able to survive exposure at high levels, this came at a cost, with a 40 percent loss in biodiversity.

"The ubiquitous presence of glyphosate in the environment has sparked concerns over its potential health and ecotoxicological effects," Andrew Gonzalez, from Canada's , said.

Classified as: Andrew Gonzalez, biodiversity, agriculture
Published on: 4 Mar 2020

Agriculture faculties are becoming some of the most exciting hubs of interdisciplinary collaboration on Canadian campuses.

Classified as: agriculture, enrolment, academic programs
Published on: 28 Feb 2020

Canadian research is part of an extensive global climate change study that has found billions of the world’s poorest people are at risk.

The results, published Thursday in the journal Science, raise troubling questions about who will be able to adapt in a shifting, less dependable world.

“There’s a great potential for the problems to occur where people have the least ability to cope with it,” said Elena Bennett [NRS], who studies ecological systems at and is one of the paper’s 21 co-authors.

Classified as: agriculture, climate change, crops, water
Published on: 17 Oct 2019


Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), the UN, UK and US government supported initiative driving global efforts to tackle food security and to end world hunger by propagating open data polices in agriculture and nutrition across the world, announces the relocation of its headquarters from Oxford, in the United Kingdom to in Montréal, Canada effective of 24 of September 2019.

Classified as: agriculture, global food security, GODAN
Published on: 25 Sep 2019

Dalhousie University, Lethbridge College and are collaborating with Farm Credit Canada on a 2 year pilot project to bring Canadian post-secondary agriculture students together to create innovative solutions to Canadian agricultural challenges. Fifteen students will bring their diverse Canadian perspectives together in cross-institutional teams responding to a specific regional agricultural issue. The challenge tasks will take teams through a creative problem solving matrix as they meet with local producers to discover the full amplitude of the challenge question.

Classified as: agricultural economics, agriculture, FMT, innovation
Published on: 13 Sep 2019

Chaque année, à la rentrée scolaire, David Wees propose un petit défi à ses étudiants inscrits au cours d’agriculture urbaine de l’Université : calculer dans quelle mesure les terres agricoles de l’île de Montréal peuvent nourrir ses habitants. « En se basant sur une superficie de 2 000 hectares et sur un rendement moyen de 26 tonnes/hectare [de légumes cultivés au jardin], on obtient un résultat assez impressionnant : ces terres pourraient combler environ 15 % des besoins en légumes des Montréalais », explique l’agronome.

Classified as: agriculture, urban agriculture
Published on: 11 Oct 2018

Martine Bourgeois [BSc(Agr)'82] gagne pour une deuxième année consécutive le prix de l’Agricultrice de l’année de la Montérégie-Est. … « Quand je faisais mes études [au baccalauréat en agriculture à l’Université ], il y avait peu d’accès pour les filles. J’ai été chanceuse d’avoir eu un emploi, mais il a vraiment fallu que je fasse ma place. J’ai osé faire des changements et sortir de ma zone de confort, ce que je ne regrette pas.

Classified as: agriculture
Published on: 23 Aug 2018
“The province’s Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires has authorized an increase in the price of milk. (…) The price hike generally ranges from four to six cents a litre.” ()
Classified as: Pascal Thériault, milk, agriculture
Published on: 2 Feb 2018

The average Canadian might hold a romanticized view of agriculture in this country, but for a group of nearly 100 industry, academic, government folks, big data is key to the sector’s future.

The $250 million Smart Agri-Food Super Cluster (SASC) is one of nine industry-led projects, and one of two that focuses on agriculture, to be shortlisted for up to $950 million in federal innovation funding earmarked in last year’s budget.

Classified as: agriculture, smart ag
Published on: 22 Jan 2018

En cette fin d'année, nous vous proposons une réflexion sur l'agriculture avec une femme qui a consacré sa vie aux enjeux agricoles. Anja Geitmann est doyenne de la faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement à l'Université .

Classified as: agriculture, Anja Geitmann
Published on: 18 Dec 2017


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