
August 18, 2021 | Facebook and other social media companies have done a lot over the past five years to address the problem of their platforms' being used by bad actors to influence elections or spread misinformation. However, they still have a way to go. The Media Ecosystems Observatory's Aengus Bridgman comments on the steps Facebook is taking to prevent their platform from being misused during the federal election campaign.

Classified as: max bell school, max bell school of public policy, media ecosystem observatory, MEO, Tech Informed Policy, Canadian Election Misinformation Project, Election 44
Published on: 18 Aug 2021

Supported by the Max Bell School's Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, the Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression has released a new report detailing six recommendations to enable citizens, governments and platforms to deal with online hate speech in Canada.

Read the Commission's report .

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, taylor owen, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Tech Informed Policy, Centre for Media Technology and Democracy
Published on: 3 Feb 2021

December 2020 | This new report by the Media Ecosystem Observatory looks into vaccine hesitancy in Canada in the lead-up to the development of a vaccine. Key findings included that 65% of Canadians intend to take a vaccine, and that the best opportunity to reach those who are unsure is to address important concerns around the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.


Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, taylor owen, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Tech Informed Policy, media ecosystem observatory, MEO
Published on: 5 Jan 2021

August 17, 2020 | Since the start of this year, there have been increasing calls for the Canadian government to impose a national moratorium on facial recognition technology. This demand arises from the possibility that law enforcement will use facial recognition to discriminate against certain demographics and worsen discrimination in the justice system. A moratorium would provide legislators time to develop a comprehensive and effective policy regulating  FR technology and the data it collects, uses, and shares.

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, taylor owen, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Tech Informed Policy
Published on: 26 Aug 2020
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