
Professor Steve Fortin, Associate Dean Masters Programs at the Desautels Faculty of Management, sat down with La Presse to discuss the hot topic of rankings, touching on what the influencing factors are, and why it is not always the most reliable way to evaluate the quality of a business school.

For 2018, the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking placed the Desautels MBA program as #1 in Canada and #78 in the world.

Classified as: Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Steve Fortin, Financial Times, FT Global MBA Rankings
Published on: 11 Apr 2018

The general trend among MBA programs worldwide points to a rise in digitised course readings, as opposed to the use of bulky textbooks.

The digital distribution of course materials has not, however, been favored by business students everywhere.

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Steve Fortin, Financial Times
Published on: 2 Oct 2017

Professor Steve Fortin, CPA, CA has been named to the Financial Reporting Accounting Standards Board (AcSB). The AcSB is an independent body with the authority to establish accounting standards for use by all Canadian entities outside the public sector. The AcSB serves the public interest by establishing standards for financial reporting by all Canadian private sector entities and by contributing to the development of internationally accepted financial reporting standards.

Classified as: Accounting, Steve Fortin
Published on: 12 Apr 2017

Quebec’s finance minister, Carlos Leitão, is touring the province’s universities to consult students and other university members ahead of the provincial budget. The agenda is heavy on fiscal policy, public infrastructure investment, regional development and the social safety net. So far, Mr. Leitão has been to the University of Sherbrooke, Laval University and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

Classified as: Steve Fortin, Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 7 Feb 2017

HEC Montréal, les universités Laval, º«¹úÂãÎè, et Concordia ont toutes un ou plusieurs agréments internationaux, et ce, depuis plusieurs années. En revanche, l'UQAM n'en a plus, et l'Université de Sherbrooke ne cherche pas en avoir.

Classified as: Steve Fortin, Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 26 Jan 2017

MBAs have become diversified products, catering to segmented clientele’s needs. Upon exploring whether a two-year MBA program is superior to a one-year program, there is, unfortunately, no simple answer to suit all circumstances.

In a two-year MBA program, such as that available from the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè, this issue is actually less problematic. Specifically, students complete internships first and are then provided with additional opportunities to engage with employers the following autumn. 

Classified as: Steve Fortin, MBA Program
Published on: 27 Oct 2016

On trouve plusieurs grandes nouveautés cet automne dans le petit monde des MBA (master of business administration). L'Université º«¹úÂãÎè et l'Université Laval lancent chacune une concentration en analytique d'affaires. L'Université Concordia a revu et resserré son programme, alors que HEC Montréal personnalise son MBA.

º«¹úÂãÎè a commencé l'an dernier à donner des ateliers dans le domaine et l'intérêt des étudiants est au rendez-vous.

Classified as: Steve Fortin
Published on: 30 Sep 2016

Authors: Steve Fortin, Chandra Subramaniam, Xu (Frank) Wang, Sanjian Bill Zhang

±Ê³Ü²ú±ô¾±³¦²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýJournal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2014


Classified as: Accounting, Steve Fortin, academic research, bond market reaction, shareholder proposal, incentive compensation, pay for performance
Published on: 13 Mar 2015


±Ê³Ü²ú±ô¾±³¦²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýJournal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics


Classified as: Accounting, Economics, management, journal of contemporary accounting and economics, shareholder, Steve Fortin
Published on: 21 Aug 2014
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