
Monday, December 8, 2025

(Tentative Date) Last day of M.Sc.A CFT Field Practice.

Classified as: Clinical Training/Stage/Field Work, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), SW (Social Work)
Wednesday, September 3, 2025toWednesday, December 10, 2025

Fall Field Practice period for Social Work students in M.Sc.A CFT.

Classified as: Clinical Training/Stage/Field Work, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), SW (Social Work)
Saturday, August 30, 2025toSaturday, December 13, 2025

Fall Field Practice period for Social Work students in M.S.W.

Classified as: Clinical Training/Stage/Field Work, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), SW (Social Work)
Monday, December 15, 2025

Application deadline for M.S.W. and M.Sc.A CFT programs (SW) for Fall 2026.

Classified as: Application and Readmission, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), SW (Social Work)
Friday, December 5, 2025toFriday, December 19, 2025

Examination period for Fall term and multi-term courses given by Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education, Engineering (including Architecture), Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.).


  • Dentistry and Medicine exams vary by year. Check with Faculty for specific dates.
Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), CS (Continuing Studies), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Exams - Final, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work)
Thursday, November 6, 2025toSaturday, December 20, 2025

Instructors use your feedback to improve their courses, teaching, and course design. By completing your course evaluations, you are actively improving the learning environment for future º«¹úÂãÎè students. Complete your course evaluations in Mercury.

Find out if your unit uses the condensed or default period.

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), course evaluations, CS (Continuing Studies), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work)
Wednesday, December 31, 2025

Deadline for cancellation of registration for all new and returning students for the Winter term except Continuing Studies. (Deposit is non-refundable for new students.)

Consult the following website for further information:

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MD (Medicine), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), Registration, RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Thursday, December 25, 2025toFriday, January 2, 2026

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S holiday break. Administrative offices will be closed between December 25 and January 2 inclusive. Library hours are available . Administrative offices reopen on Monday, January 5.

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), Breaks and Holidays, CS (Continuing Studies), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MD (Medicine), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Monday, January 5, 2026 16:30to19:00

(Tentative Date) Discover º«¹úÂãÎè Orientation for new undergraduate and graduate January admit students is a chance to learn about º«¹úÂãÎè's student services, supports and resources, as well as ways to get involved and connect to your º«¹úÂãÎè and Montreal communities. For more information, visit the orientation page on the Get Ready website.  

Classified as: AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), GR (Graduate Studies), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), Orientation, PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Tuesday, January 6, 2026

(Tentative Date) Application deadline for deferred examinations for courses from the Fall 2025 term in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education, Management, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.).

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), CS (Continuing Studies), ED (Education), Exams – Supplemental & Deferred, Fall, MG (Management), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Thursday, January 8, 2026

(Tentative Date) Supplemental examination application opens on Minerva for Fall term courses and N1/N2 courses ending in the Fall 2025 term in Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Education, Law, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.). (Closes January 14, 2026).

NOTE: Not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering or Management courses.

Classified as: AR (Arts), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), ED (Education), Exams – Supplemental & Deferred, Fall, LW (Law), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter


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