As the flu season begins and the COVID-19 pandemic continues, pneumococcal vaccination is more important than ever to prevent disease and death from pneumonia and other forms of pneumococcal disease. But vaccine uptake remains low among adults at high risk, say researchers from º«¹úÂãÎè.

Published on: 2 Nov 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has united Canadians more than any other event in decades, according to a new study by º«¹úÂãÎè and University of Toronto researchers. The study found that among Canadians, there is cross-partisan consensus on the threat the virus poses and measures that need to be taken to battle it. The study also found that when there isn’t a consensus – which is the case in the United States – compliance with physical distancing guidelines is undermined, which poses an obvious threat.
Published on: 25 May 2020