
Goal is to accelerate research and let patients know how their data is helping find treatments

A $6M grant from Brain Canada will fund the creation of a new Open Science patient registry, to share data with researchers around the world and let patients see how their data is used to develop new treatments for neurological disorders.

Classified as: Neuro, Open Biobank, Brain Canada, Guy Rouleau, Jason Karamchandani, open science
Published on: 28 Apr 2023

Brain Canada grant will aid research into neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorders


Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important tool in understanding the mechanism of brain disorders. Research in the field has gotten a major boost thanks to a $1.85M grant from Brain Canada to support EEGNet, an open repository for EEG data that helps scientists investigate neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Classified as: Alan Evans, MNI, Neuro, EEG, Electroencephalography, Brain Canada, EEGNet
Published on: 1 Apr 2021

$4.67M from Brain Canada will help probe the brain’s mysteries and create international research links

Research at The Neuro’s McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) of º«¹úÂãÎè will receive a major boost thanks to a $4.67M grant from Brain Canada’s Platform Support Grant (PSG) program.

Classified as: BIC, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Brain Canada, Julien Doyon, brain imaging, Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute
Published on: 3 Mar 2021

Program brings together multidisciplinary teams with expertise in various areas of neurodegenerative disease


Researchers at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) make up a large part of eight projects funded by ALS Canada and the Brain Canada Foundation as part of their 2020 Discovery Grant Program, which brings together multidisciplinary research teams with expertise in various areas of ALS and neurodegenerative diseases to investigate critical areas of disease processes and clinical care.

Classified as: Neuro, ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Angela Genge, Gary Armstrong, Eric Shoubridge, Sali Farhan, Rami Massie, ALS Canada, Brain Canada, Montreal Neurological Institute
Published on: 15 Feb 2021

Congratulations to physiology faculty member Dr. Masha Prager-Khoutorsky, one of 20 Canada-wideÌýrecipients of the award. This grant program providesÌýearly-career neuroscience researchersÌýthe opportunity to develop new lines of research and gather preliminary data to apply for larger grants.

Classified as: dept. of physiology, neuroscience, Brain Canada, Prager-Khoutorsky lab
Published on: 13 Nov 2020

By Shawn Hayward

Six º«¹úÂãÎè Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences researchers — Boris Bernhardt, Mark Brandon, Yasser Iturria-Medina, Jean-Francois Poulin, Jo Anne Stratton and Masha Prager-Khoutorsky — have received grants to support their work in the early-career stage, after being chosen from 150 talented applicants.

Brain Canada’s Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program, anchored by a $5M gift from the Azrieli Foundation, enables paradigm-changing research of the brain to improve the lives of all Canadians.

Classified as: funding, Brain Canada
Published on: 12 Nov 2020

Brain Canada program supports paradigm-shifting neuroscience that improves the lives of Canadians

Four researchers at The Neuro — Boris Bernhardt, Yasser Iturria-Medina, Jean-Francois Poulin, and Jo Anne Stratton — have received grants to support their work in the early-career stage, after being chosen from 150 talented applicants.

Brain Canada’s Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program, anchored by a $5M gift from the Azrieli Foundation, enables paradigm-changing research of the brain to improve the lives of all Canadians.

Classified as: Brain Canada, Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute, Boris Bernhardt, Yasser Iturria-Medina, Jean-Francois Poulin, Jo Anne Stratton
Published on: 9 Nov 2020

Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision

Two researchers from The Neuro are among just ten nationwide to receive Early-Career Capacity Building Grants this year from the Azrieli Foundation in partnership with the Brain Canada Foundation. Researchers Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision, respectively. The grants support early-career investigators who are conducting transformative research to advance understanding of the brain, in illness or health.

Classified as: Adrien Peyrache, stuart trenholm, epilepsy, Brain Canada, Azrieli Foundation, vision
Published on: 11 Mar 2019
Researchers have known for a couple of decades that early life adversity can affect the way that particular genes function through a process called epigenetics - a bit like a dimmer switch on a light, pushing gene activity up or down. What they haven’t been able to show until now is that POSITIVE early life experiences can have a similar effect, and that these effects can be seen over thirty years later.ÌýÌý
Classified as: epigenetics, mothers, Sackler Foundation, Brain Canada, Azrieli Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences Agency for Science, Technology and Research, and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Published on: 1 May 2018

Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform will make disseminating and publishing data easier

Modern neuroscience research can produce massive amounts of data, which researchers can use to find patterns revealing anything from the first physiological signs of Alzheimer’s disease to a new drug target that could stop neurodegeneration. However, this data must be stored, processed, and distributed effectively.

Classified as: neuroinformatics, Alan Evans, CONP, Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform, Brain Canada, Guy Rouleau
Published on: 19 Feb 2018

Brain diseases and disorders are the leading cause of disability, directly affecting one in three Canadians as well as millions of family members, friends, colleagues and caregivers. The Government of Canada recognizes the significant impact on the health of Canadians, and supports Canadian research on the brain and related diseases and disorders

Classified as: Alan Evans, Sylvain Baillet, autism, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Canada Brain Research Fund, Brain Canada
Published on: 27 Apr 2017

CQDM and Brain Canada join forces again in the funding of two new research projects to address unmet needs in brain research

CQDM and Brain Canada are proud to announce the funding of two new multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research projects under the second edition of their Focus on Brain strategic initiative. The partners will award a total of $3M to two research teams to develop cutting-edge tools, technologies and platforms designed to accelerate the discovery of new drugs for brain and nervous system disorders.

Classified as: ALS, Parkinson's, Brain Canada, CQDM, Canada Brain Research Fund, Fon, Edward Fon, Ted Fon
Published on: 2 Feb 2017

MNI scientists will study stem cells, genetic mutations to develop new treatments

Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute of º«¹úÂãÎè who are playing key roles in uncovering the mechanisms underlying ALS will share in $3.9 million in research funding, part of $4.5 million announced on Nov. 23 by the ALS Society of Canada in partnership with Brain Canada.

Classified as: ALS, Brain Canada, C9ORF72, Canada Brain Research Fund, ALS Society of Canada, Gary Armstrong, Patrick Dion, Stefano Stifani, Peter McPherson, Guy Rouleau
Published on: 23 Nov 2016

Four innovative projects led by º«¹úÂãÎè researchers have been selected to receive major grants under the Canada Brain Research Fund.

Classified as: brain, neurological, Montreal Neurological Institute, The Neuro, MNI, Alan Evans, Mogil, Brain Canada, Ruthazer, brain diseases, Paul W. Wiseman, Ptito, Shmuel, Turecki
Published on: 12 Sep 2014
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