
Friday, August 22, 2025

Start of external and internal graduate fellowship competitions for 2026-2027 funding. Graduate and final-year undergraduate students should enquire in their department and on the fellowships website (see below) regarding information session schedules and application procedures and deadlines.

Classified as: Awards, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies)
Monday, September 1, 2025

Returning Master's and Doctoral level students should enquire of their departments or the GPS (Graduate Fellowships and Awards) regarding precise deadlines for internal and external fellowship competitions; important deadlines normally fall during the months of October and November.

Classified as: Awards, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies)
Tuesday, November 11, 2025 14:00to18:00

(Tentative Date) Scholastic Awards Reception and Presentation, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.), Ceilidh, Centennial Centre.

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), Awards, Fall, Special Events
Friday, August 21, 2026

(Tentative Date) Start of external and internal graduate fellowship competitions for 2027-2028 funding. Graduate and final-year undergraduate students should enquire in their department and on the fellowships website (see below) regarding information session schedules and application procedures and deadlines.

Classified as: Awards, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies)
Tuesday, September 1, 2026

Returning Master's and Doctoral level students should enquire of their departments or the GPS (Graduate Fellowships and Awards) regarding precise deadlines for internal and external fellowship competitions; important deadlines normally fall during the months of October and November.

Classified as: Awards, Fall, GR (Graduate Studies)
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