The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering would like to introduce Boris Vaisband, Assistant Professor, joining us from the University of California, Los Angeles. obtained his PhD from the University of Rochester. He is joining the .
Women make up the majority of the health workforce and yet remain under-represented in leadership and decision-making positions. This gender gap overlooks women’s expertise and talents, and compromises the knowledge and policy base for advancing health and equity globally. The need to improve the visibility and recognition of women in global health is clear, and with Canada’s international reputation for advancing health and equity, it is important that the diversity of women leaders be recognized and amplified.
Shame and guilt have different effects on consumer buying habits, new research from the Desautels Faculty of Management in Canada finds.
...Professor DaHee Han says: “To get the best response, a fitness club could produce an ad that induces shame and highlights the bigger picture, such as ‘Are you overweight? How ashamed do you feel? Stop overeating, join our fitness programme and feel healthy all the time!’
Le débat continue de faire rage : l'anticipation des marchés, communément appelée «market timing», est-elle une approche payante ou au contraire, nuisible et dangereuse ? Les avis sont partagés. Il y a plusieurs définitions du market timing. Le plus fréquemment, le market timing consiste à «tenter de prédire la direction future du marché en ayant recours, le plus souvent, à des indicateurs techniques ou à des données économiques», comme l'indique le site Investopedia.
Préférez-vous les valeurs sous-évaluées, voire délaissées, ou les titres qui croissent plus rapidement que le marché? Valeur ou croissance? Vos choix d'investissement trahissent probablement votre âge et votre sexe.
For a long time, one of Canada’s largest residential landlords, Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAPREIT), admittedly did better at managing its properties than its staff did. Its workers were disengaged and unhappy, and their managers were not providing the right sort of feedback. “People didn’t feel they were being recognized for their efforts, they didn’t feel any sense of accomplishment, and the work they did was kind of just seen as, ‘Oh, that’s your work,’ ” says Jodi Lieberman, vice-president of human resources.
By: Lisa Cohen, assistant professor, Desautels Faculty of Management
Suppose you grabbed a few cookies before heading out to the grocery store and start to feel guilty or ashamed about breaking your diet. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, feeling guilty might find you comparing calories in different cartons of ice cream. Feeling ashamed might keep you from buying any ice cream in the first place.
This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at , Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today, I am delighted to speak to Gautam Mukunda [assistant professor of business administration] from the Harvard Business School.
Should we only look for transformational leaders when we are in trouble, or are there other times we need transformational leaders?
OptionMetrics, a leading source for quality historical option price data, tools and analytics, has announced the upcoming . The conference will be held on October 20th at Convene, located at 810 Seventh Avenue in Times Square. It will bring together financial professionals and researchers from academia and business to share ideas and increase understanding of the options markets.
Sean Murray Smith's name has never been mentioned in discussions about Montreal's greatest chefs. He has never appeared on a television cooking show or been profiled in a newspaper or on the radio.
According to a new study, insider trading often occurs during merger and acquisitions and is rarely punished. BNN takes a closer look with one of the report's co-authors, Patrick Augustin, Assistant Professor of Finance, Desautels Faculty of Management, .
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Two academic research papers that promise to spark new scrutiny of corporate actions such as mergers and acquisitions have won the prestigious Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi) annual investor research competition that focuses on the interaction of the real economy with investment theory. The winning research teams will be presented with a $10,000 award for each paper: