
Congratulations to physiology faculty member Dr. Claire Brown, one of 22 recipients of the . These funds are to support the advancement of biomedical imaging technologies and provide increased training and access to imaging scientists, leading to enhanced views of the inner workings of cells for a better understanding of what causes diseases and how to treat them.

Classified as: dept. of physiology, ABIF
Published on: 3 Dec 2020

"Mr. Davidson, who died on Dec. 24 at 65, used sophisticated microscopes to create stunning, psychedelic images of crystallized substances like DNA and hormones, and he contributed to Nobel Prize-honored research about the inner workings of cells. His images were on the covers of scientific journals and, as unlikely as it might seem, on neckwear" states the NY Times.

Read the full New York Times article .

Classified as: imaging, ABIF, microscope, neckwear
Published on: 1 Mar 2016

The Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF) has integrated a brand new LSM 800 microscope from Zeiss into the facility.

Featuring convenient and user-friendly software complete with custom-made shortcut buttons for experiment repetition as well as diode lasers for fast start-up and beautiful images.

Classified as: training, ABIF, microscope, lsm800, zeiss
Published on: 1 Mar 2016

In times of environmental decline, scientific innovation must be implemented to replace old and inefficient technology. This can lead to positive academic, economic and environmental impacts. Fluorescence microscopy is a key element in many aspects of research throughout the physical, life and health sciences. Microscopes are found in virtually all research institutes, universities, hospitals, biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical companies.

Classified as: Sustainability, green, sustainable, ABIF, microscope, light source
Published on: 1 Mar 2016

"Mr. Davidson, who died on Dec. 24 at 65, used sophisticated microscopes to create stunning, psychedelic images of crystallized substances like DNA and hormones, and he contributed to Nobel Prize-honored research about the inner workings of cells. His images were on the covers of scientific journals and, as unlikely as it might seem, on neckwear" states the NY Times.

Read the full New York Times article .

Classified as: imaging, ABIF, microscope, neckwear
Published on: 20 Jan 2016

In times of environmental decline, scientific innovation must be implemented to replace old and inefficient technology. This can lead to positive academic, economic and environmental impacts. Fluorescence microscopy is a key element in many aspects of research throughout the physical, life and health sciences. Microscopes are found in virtually all research institutes, universities, hospitals, biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical companies.

Classified as: Sustainability, green, sustainable, ABIF, microscope, light source
Published on: 10 Dec 2015

The Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF) has integrated a brand new LSM 800 microscope from Zeiss into the facility.

Featuring convenient and user-friendly software complete with custom-made shortcut buttons for experiment repetition as well as Airyscan for 1.7x more resolution in image acquisition.

Classified as: training, ABIF, microscope, lsm800, zeiss
Published on: 10 Dec 2015
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