Interview Gustavo Turecki: Detective of the mind
In conversation with Dr. Srividya Iyer
Professor Srividya Iyer leading ACCESS Open Minds, Canada’s largest youth mental health care services research project, speaks with us about its cutting-edge approach to speeding up access to care for young people and also about encouraging more women to pursue careers in mental health research.
Health e-News.
Have Canadian cannabis users increased their usage during the pandemic?
…Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, a psychiatrist at Montreal’s Health Centre, is concerned about the long-term effects on health, especially on people who are at risk for psychosis. Heavy consumption could increase the risk for an episode of psychosis.
Global News.
Our collective trauma: How will the pandemic change us?
Entrevue avec la Dre Cécile Rousseau - L’heure du Monde Ici Radio Canada Première
Thèses complotistes Comment je suis « tombé là-dedans »
La Presse.
People cling to conspiracies because they are desperate, says doctor
“People began to say the virus doesn’t exist, there’s no danger outside, or the virus exists but it’s not harmful. [They’ve said] the virus is the creation of pharmaceutical [companies]–they’re just trying to scare us but there’s no danger,” explained Dr. Cecile Rosseau, head of polarization clinical team at CIUSSS West-Central Montreal.
COVID-19 conspiracy theories: Psychological distress can lead to radicalization
Using film to shatter mental health barriers in the Black community: ‘My feelings are valid’
…“Intergenerational trauma is trauma that is passed down,” says Myrna Lashley, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at in Montreal. “The pain and the angst and the hurt and the fear and… the sense of inferiority that has been imposed on you.”
Global News.
Un jeune Saskatchewanais meurt après avoir probablement joué au « jeu du foulard »
…Selon le professeur assistant au département de psychiatrie de l’Université Samuel Veissière, la solitude devant les écrans peut en partie expliquer le souhait des jeunes de relever ce type de défi.
Ottawa must make meaningful investments in youth mental health in Budget 2021 to ensure recovery
How this professor is challenging systemic racism, one institution at a time
Myrna Lashley has worked with governments, police forces and community organizations for more than 30 years.
Être parent lors d’une pandémie : comment développer des relations familiales plus fortes pendant le Covid-19
La pandémie Covid-19 nous a sans aucun doute tous affectés. Elle a accru nos inquiétudes et nos préoccupations en matière de santé physique.
Epoch Times.
Congratulations to Dr. Carl Ernst and his European collaborators on obtaining a grant from the European Joint Programme for Rare Diseases for their project, Development and preclinical testing in human cell models and transgenic mice of a novel treatment for Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome. The funding, which totals 1.6 million Euros, will support an international research collaboration dedicated to Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome (SGS), an ultra-rare genetic disease.
to prepare the World Alzheimer Report for 2021 and 2022
has been commissioned by Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) to deliver the next two editions of the World Alzheimer Report on the crucial and inter-related topics of Diagnosis (2021) and Post-Diagnostic Support (2022).