was among the 74 newly elected Fellows of the for 2021.Fellows are selected by their peers in recognition for their accomplishments and contributionsto the promotion of health science.Election to Fellowship in the Academy is considered one of the highest honours for individuals in the Canadian health sciences community. Congratulations Dr.
Dr. Natasha Rajah, was named to the Institute of for a 4-year term, beginning September 1, 2021. Congratulations Dr. Rajah!
We are very proud to announce that Dr. Gustavo Turecki was just named as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). Fellowship to the RSC is the highest academic honour in Canada and is awarded based on the recognition of an individual's scholarly excellence. The RSC is comprised of three academies: Arts, Humanities and Sciences, and its Fellowship includes over 2,400 Canadian scholars, who are leaders in their field and have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, the sciences, and Canadian public life.
How can we predict suicide risk in students, especially at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected many people’s mental health? According to researchers from Montreal and France, self-esteem represents an important predictive marker of suicidal risk. The team from , University of Montreal, Inserm, and Université de Bordeaux is using artificial intelligence to identify factors that accurately predict suicidal behavior in students.
Martin Carpentier a fait l’objet d’une autopsie psychologique
« C'est un peu comme un travail de détective », déclare le Dr Gustavo Turecki, au sujet de l’autopsie psychologique qui vise à comprendre le profil de santé mentale de la personne qui est décédée. Avec son équipe, il a répondu « présent » quand le Bureau du coroner a fait appel à leurs services pour tenter de comprendre ce qui a pu se passer dans la tête de Martin Carpentier pour qu’il s’en prenne à ses filles.
The Pandemic Changed Sleep Habits. Maybe That's a Good Thing
As a return to ‘normal’ seems achievable, adjustment disorders are the new elephant in the room
…Dr. Alain Brunet studies the effects of traumatic stress on mental health at the -affiliated Douglas Research Centre. Last year, he and his team began researching the pandemic’s impact on mental health.
Globe & Mail.
Du LSD ou de la MDMA pour soigner sa santé mentale
…«[Ces drogues] permettent d’avoir une expérience transcendantale et spirituelle qui peut donner du sens à nos traumatismes», explique la Dre Gabriella Gobbi, chercheuse en psychopharmacologie à l’Université .
Journal de Montréal.
Une psychiatre spécialiste s'ouvre sur sa dépression post-partum
Entrevue avec la Dre Tuong-Vi Nguyen, Drainville PM, 98.5fm.
Entrevue avec la Dre Tuong-Vi Nguyen, TVA Nouvelles.
'There are women out there not getting help' for perinatal depression
Dr. Vi Nguyen understands more than most about perinatal depression and anxiety.
As a reproductive psychiatrist at the Health Centre, she specializes in diagnosing and supporting women with depression and anxiety related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; as a clinician-researcher, her research includes developing screening tools for it.
The International obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Accreditation Task Force (ATF) of top experts, led by Dr. Debbie Sookman (Associate Professor), recently published evidence-based specialty knowledge and competency standards recommended for specialized treatments for OCD through the lifespan. Read more
Lève-tô ou couche-tard: Entrevue avec Dre Diane Boivin.
Why is it so difficult to fight addictions?
Dr. Salah El Mestikawy gave an interview to Viviane Lalande, a host on the Scilabus channel and reporter with Radio Canada, to explain in simple terms how additions work and what makes them so difficult to fight. Click to watch this interview.
Un nouveau médicament contre l'alzheimer traitera les stades précoces
Pour la première fois en 20 ans, un nouveau médicament contre la maladie d'Alzheimer a été autorisé, sous conditions, par l'Agence américaine des médicaments. « C'est une nouvelle importante », explique le Dr Serge Gauthier, professeur émérite en neurologie et en psychiatrie à l'Université .
(Co-authored by Cécile Rousseau) Alors que la pandémie de Covid-19 sévit depuis plus d’un an, il devient de plus en plus évident que les personnes marginalisées risquent de façon disproportionnée de contracter la maladie ou d’en mourir. Parallèlement, les dommages indirects des fermetures et du confinement de la dernière année, sans oublier les difficultés financières, l’isolement social et les problèmes de santé mentale, touchent bien plus durement les membres des communautés racisées.