
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving, created to counteract the consumerism-based Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

This year, The Neuro is celebrating #GivingTuesday by inviting the community to fund the Giving Tuesday Travel Award – which will allow a talented student or fellow to present their research at a national or international scientific meeting.

Classified as: Fundraising, Giving Tuesday, Neuro Giving
Published on: 8 Nov 2016

2016 Prix Wilder-Penfield recognizes monumental work in brain imaging and mapping

Dr. Alan Evans has become the latest researcher to receive the Province of Quebec’s most prestigious scientific award, the 2016 Prix Wilder-Penfield, named after The Neuro’s founder.Ìý

Classified as: Alan Evans, Prix de Quebec
Published on: 5 Nov 2016

Neuroradiologist recognized for her innovations in healthcare

The Quebec Federation of Medical Specialists (Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec), an umbrella organization embracing medical specialist groups in the province, has chosen Dr. Donatella Tampieri of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) as one of three recipients of its 2016 Prix d’excellence en innovations des soins de santé. The award recognizes Dr. Tampieri’s exceptional career in providing quality healthcare that is accessible, efficient, and safe.

Classified as: Donatella Tampieri, stroke, Quebec Federation of Medical Specialists, Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec
Published on: 4 Nov 2016

Scientists have identified a gene in the French-Canadian population that predisposes them to the development of intracranial aneurysm (IA), a potentially life threatening neurological condition that is responsible for approximately 500,000 deaths worldwide per year, half of which occur in people less than 50 years of age.

Using genetic analysis, the team of researchers found rare variations of one gene, RNF213, that appeared more frequently in IA patients than in the control group. Both patients and the control group came from French-Canadian families.

Classified as: Guy Rouleau, Simon Girard, intracranial aneurysm, moya moya disease, IA, RNF213
Published on: 31 Oct 2016

A Brilliant Night raises $1 million for brain cancer research

A Brilliant Night raised an astounding $1 million for brain cancer research at its gala event on Oct. 19.

Classified as: a brilliant night, brain cancer, brain tumor, Kevin Petrecca, medicine research
Published on: 27 Oct 2016

You probably know someone who has it. It is the most common movement disorder, yet most people don’t even know its name.

Essential tremor affects nearly one per cent of the world’s population, increasing to four per cent of those over 40. The involuntary shaking of hands is the most common symptom, but symptoms can also include shaking of the head and legs.

Classified as: genetics, Guy Rouleau, essential tremor, Simon Girard, movement disorders
Published on: 21 Oct 2016

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) is pleased to announce a new initiative designed to ease the suffering of seriously ill patients through specialized consultation and comprehensive care.

The Susan Cameron Cook Neuro-Palliative Care Program, named in honour of Susan Cameron Cook, whose family provided vital seed funding for this initiative, has the goal of reducing the mental and physical suffering of neurological patients and their families in the journey from diagnosis of a terminal illness to end of life.

Classified as: Palliative Care, terminal illness, Cook family, Neuro-Palliative Care, Guy Rouleau
Published on: 17 Oct 2016

Dr. Guy Rouleau, Director of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at º«¹úÂãÎè and the º«¹úÂãÎè Health Centre, has been chosen to receive another major award recognizing his outstanding scientific career. The national organization representing Canadian francophone doctors, Médecins francophones du Canada, is bestowing on him its 2016 Prix de l’oeuvre scientifique.

Classified as: Guy Rouleau, Prix de l’oeuvre scientifique, Médecins francophones du Canada
Published on: 13 Oct 2016

Inspiring event to raise money for brain cancer research

An evening filled with personal stories from those whose lives have been affected by brain cancer will once again contribute to the fight against the disease.

Classified as: Kevin Petrecca, Fundraising, brain cancer, brain tumor, a brilliant night
Published on: 4 Oct 2016

KalGene Pharmaceuticals and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) are proud to announce the signature of an agreement worth over $1M to develop, scale up, and transfer the technology needed to manufacture a promising novel ´¡±ô³ú³ó±ð¾±³¾±ð°ù’s treatment in Canada that the parties have been co- developing since 2015.

The treatment, a biologic molecule made up of a peptide that fights ´¡±ô³ú³ó±ð¾±³¾±ð°ù’s and an antibody-based carrier molecule designed to shuttle the peptide into the brain, is a custom- engineered therapeutic developed at NRC.

Classified as: Montreal Neurological Institute, ´¡±ô³ú³ó±ð¾±³¾±ð°ù’s, National Research Council of Canada, NRC, KalGene, Rosa-Neto, ranslational Neuroimaging, CIMTEC, Douglas Research Institute
Published on: 3 Oct 2016

A project led by an MNI researcher has been awarded $6.1 million to study progressive multiple sclerosis.

The International Progressive MS Alliance has awarded three $6.1 million Collaborative Network Award grants for a total investment of $18.4 million toward accelerating the pace of progressive MS research. More than 2.3 million people worldwide live with MS and more than one million of those living with the disease have progressive MS.

Classified as: Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Progressive MS, Douglas Arnold
Published on: 20 Sep 2016

The Neuro’s director, Dr. Guy Rouleau, has received yet another honour in recognition of his sterling scientific career. The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) that its members had elected Dr. Rouleau as one of its new Fellows. He joins a currently active membership of more than 2,000 highly distinguished scientists, scholars and artists who nominate and elect up to 75 new members each year.

Classified as: Guy Rouleau, royal society of canada, rsc
Published on: 8 Sep 2016

Fundraiser to support research to help defeat cancer suffered by Tragically Hip frontman


With the farewell concert of legendary Canadian band The Tragically Hip now past, The Neuro is asking the public to not forget the toll brain cancers take on Canadians, and the need to find new therapies.

Classified as: brain cancer, brain tumor, a brilliant night, Fundraiser, Kevin Petrecca
Published on: 31 Aug 2016

Chemicals shown to improve low-light vision of tadpoles by sensitizing retinal cells

A multidisciplinary team including researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute has improved our understanding of how cannabinoids, the active agent in marijuana, affect vision in vertebrates.

Classified as: vision, Ruthazer, cannabinoids, retina
Published on: 25 Aug 2016

We are fortunate to welcome Dr.ÌýBoris Bernhardt as BIC core Faculty Member as of August 1, 2016. Boris is a newÌýAssistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at º«¹úÂãÎè and a member of the Epilepsy research group at the MNI. He obtained his PhD in Neuroscience at º«¹úÂãÎè in 2011 and carried out postdoctoral studies at the Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. Boris heads the newly-foundedÌýÌýat the BIC.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 22 Aug 2016


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